Social Insurance Dropouts: A Movement that Could be More Damaging than the “White Hair Revolution” in China

Social Insurance Dropouts: A Movement that Could be More Damaging than the “White Hair Revolution” in China

Hello, everyone! Welcome to “Inconvenient Truths”. I am your host Jennifer Zeng. 

Recently, we did two shows about the largest-scale protests in China since the 1989 Tiananmen Square movement. The protests were against the CCP’s health insurance benefit cuts. Well, while this struggle is still going on, there appeared another movement that could be even more devastating for the CCP. Some people even said that this could become the last straw that breaks the camel's back. So I will talk about this movement today. 

Imprisoned in Communist China

Imprisoned in Communist China

Xi "Exposes" CCP's Lies when Declaring "Decisive Victory" Over COVID, Another Model & 321 M Deaths

Xi "Exposes" CCP's Lies when Declaring "Decisive Victory" Over COVID, Another Model & 321 M Deaths