
Jennifer's World is more wondrous, eventful and breathtaking than Alice's Wonderland!
曾錚的世界 精彩紛呈!

Jennifer is a member of the International Press Association. She hosts "Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng", contributes to Japan Forward, authors “Witnessing History: one woman's Fight for Freedom and Falun Gong" and stars in the award-winning documentary "Free China: the Courage to Believe".

曾錚是國際新聞協會成員,乾淨世界視頻頻道「曾錚真言」的主持人,日本《產經新聞》(Sankei Shimbun)旗下的英文媒體 Japan Forward 的專欄撰稿人,北京大學理學碩士,原國務院發展研究中心研究人員,暢銷書《靜水流深》作者及獲獎紀錄片《自由中國 有勇氣相信》女主角。她的書被《魔戒》原始出版者翻譯爲英文全球發行。

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US Edition of Witnessing History

US Edition of Witnessing History


Zheng (Jennifer) Zeng was a graduate in science from Beijing University. She was a wife, a mother, and a Communist Party member. But because she followed a spiritual practice called Falun Gong, her life in China was shattered. Adhering to the practice’s simple tenets of Truth, Compassion, and Forbearance, she was amazed that the Party would institute a crack down, arrest her and demand that she recant. After twice being held at a detention center and refusing, she was sentenced without trial to reeducation through forced labor. Her “enlightenment”-in part undertaken by fellow prisoners incarcerated for prostitution, pornography and drug addiction-took the form of beatings, torture with electric prods, starvation, sleep deprivation, and forced labor. She was compelled to knit for days at a time, her hands bleeding, to produce goods contracted for sale in the US market. Many Falun Gong practitioners died under the harsh conditions. Zheng Zeng was lucky.

Thousands of others remain deprived by an oppressive Chinese government of their freedom of speech and assembly and the freedom to believe as they choose. This is the testament to her ordeal and theirs.




Australian Edition of Witnessing History

Australian Edition of Witnessing History

One woman's harrowing story of imprisonment and survival in the face of the Chinese government's persecution of Falun Gong.

On 23 May 2000, the Chinese government sentenced Jennifer Zeng to reeducation through forced labour. Her fellow inmates were drug addicts, prostitutes and traffickers in pornography. Jennifer's only crime was her belief in the three tenets of Falun Gong Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.

Struggling with a life-threatening illness and a need to understand her place in the world, Jennifer had immersed herself in many Western and Eastern philosophies before finally finding the answers she was seeking in Falun Gong. A few short years later her newfound faith saw her blacklisted and imprisoned in a purpose-built labour camp. Jennifer was forced to squat for hours in the blistering sun, endure hours of physical and verbal abuse, and knit garments until her hands bled to feed the booming Chinese economy. During this time Jennifer saw many fellow Falun Gong practitioners tortured. Some died, many more remain in the camps today.

This is the powerful and moving story of how a bright, successful young scientist and happily married mother survived detention and torture, only to be forced to flee her family and homeland to seek asylum in Australia. 






該書第一版2004年1月在台湾出版后,两周内即跻身金石堂畅销书排行榜,三月內再刷八次;英文版「Witnessing History: One Woman’s Fight for Freedom and Falun」由《魔戒》的原始出版者、澳洲最大的出版商Allen & Unwin出版后亦持续热销,三个月内再刷两次。其讀者包括臺灣前總統李登輝等各界名流。

《悉尼晨鋒報》稱,《靜水流深》應成爲政治家及記者們的必讀物(compulsory reading);澳洲紐省女作家協會前主席Valerie Pybus則表示,《靜水流深》應成爲年輕一代的必讀物(Compulsory Reading for the Younger Generation)。《靜水流深》英文版更是目前全球唯一一本由法輪功學員撰寫的同類書籍,具有非常高的史料價值。



About Jennifer Zeng 曾錚簡介


Jennifer is a multi-talented individual who creates videos, writes stories, and offers insightful commentaries on current affairs and personal experiences. Over the past two decades, she has dedicated herself to exposing the lies and crimes of the Chinese Communist Party, as well as shedding light on the injustices faced by Falun Gong practitioners and other persecuted groups. Her articles have received numerous accolades in international essay competitions and have been published by prestigious outlets like The Diplomat as feature stories.


Jennifer fled China and sought refuge in Australia in 2001. Her memoir “Witnessing History” offers “a hair-raising first-person look at China’s brutal concentration camps”(Publishers Weekly), and should be “compulsory reading” for “politicians and journalists” (Sydney Morning Herald), as well as “younger generations” (Journal of Society of Women Writers NSW Inc, Australia).

《靜水流深》是全球首部翔實揭露中共鎮壓法輪功黑幕的長篇自傳體文學,被稱爲政治家、記者及年輕一代的必讀物。《靜水流深》的英文版「Witnessing History」亦是目前全球唯一一本由法輪功學員撰寫的同類書籍,具有非常高的史料價值。

Following her book's publication and the release of the documentary "Free China," Jennifer has been invited to speak at numerous cities and venues, including the US Congress, the European Parliament, the Swedish Parliament, the University of London, London School of Economics, Imperial College London, and the Society of Women Writers NSW Inc, Australia.


Jennifer's stories have garnered extensive media coverage worldwide, with mentions in renowned outlets such as the New York Times, NBC, ABC, The Los Angeles Times, The Australians, Sydney Morning Herald, Channel 9 in Australia, The Age in Australia, Le Temps (The Times) in Switzerland, Voice of America, Financial Reviews, South China Morning Post, Big Hollywood, Radio Free Asia, The Epoch Times, New Tang Dynasty TV, Sound of Hope Radio, among others.

世界許多國家的主流媒體也先後報導了曾錚的故事,包括《紐約時報》、美國NBC電視臺、澳洲ABC電視臺、ABC電臺、《洛杉磯時報》、《澳大利亞人報》、《悉尼晨鋒報》、澳洲9號臺、澳洲《時代報》、瑞士《時代報》、美國之音、《金融評論》、《南華早報》、《大好萊塢》 (Big Hollywood)、自由亞洲電臺、《大紀元時報》、新唐人電視臺、希望之聲國際廣播電臺等。

Born in Sichuan Province, China, in 1966, Jennifer graduated from Peking (Beijing) University in 1991, holding a Master of Science degree in Geochemistry. She worked as a research fellow at the Development Research Centre of the State Council of the P.R.C. until 1996. Later, she served as a consultant and manager of the investment department at the Investment Consulting Company of Tsinghua Unigroup.


Jennifer commenced her practice of Falun Gong in July 1997. Subsequent to the Chinese Communist Party's crackdown on Falun Gong in 1999, she faced four arrests and was sentenced to one year of labor camp. Confined within the Beijing Women's (Xinan) Labor Camp, she personally bore witness to the cruel persecution inflicted upon Falun Gong practitioners. After enduring life-threatening ordeals, she managed to escape to Australia in September 2001 and subsequently sought asylum. Two years later, she was granted refugee status.


In 2011, Jennifer relocated to the United States under a journalist visa. In January 2019, she was granted an EB-1 visa (Extraordinary Ability Green Card) in recognition of her exceptional talents and international acclaim. She became a member of the International Press Association in April 2023.


Currently residing on the East Coast of the United States, Jennifer remains committed to spreading the truth through her writing, reporting, video creation, and blogging endeavors. She hopes that through her efforts, she can contribute a kind and positive force to the world, along with a true voice.
