"Silent Invasion", Indeed
I was very much shocked to learn that Allen & Unwin, A leading Australian publisher, had cancelled plans to print a book which further exposes Beijing's influence on Austrailan Federal Parliament and other parts of society, especially when Allen & Unwin (gratefully) chose to publish my book, "Witnessing History: one woman’s fight for freedom and Falun Gong" years ago, as the "world first exposé of the truth behind the persecution of Falun Gong". At that time they thought it was a good book and signed a contract with me even BEFORE I finished writing; and despite the fact what I was writing in Chinese. They offered to do the English translation at their own expense.
They never mentioned worries "about defamation action" then. (Although my Chinese publisher did ask me before the Chinese version of my book hit the market, "What if the Chinese Communist Party(CCP) jumps up and says that your story is made up? Don't you think we need to prepare for that?" )
So, it seems to me that things are really deteriorating in Australia in terms of CCP's "Silence Invasion". I hope more people can stand up against the CCP's "invisible" but terrifying invasion.
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Screen shot of RFA's report.