"You Are An Inspiration to Women Everywhere"「你是全球女性的榜樣和動力泉源 」
(Jennifer’s note: Below is the feedback from a viewer.
“ Jennifer, Your mission is helping your people, believe it. Freedom is coming to your country and you are part of the reason. As a fellow woman, I am so proud of your education and courage, you are in my prayers every day. Much love to you from upstate New York. You are an inspiration to women everywhere. Your gift is showing. Men talk of peace, women take action to peace. Thankful you are here my dear sister.”
「 曾錚:你的使命是幫助你的同胞們,請相信這點。中國會迎來自由的,而你是其原因之一。同爲一名女性,我爲你的學識和勇氣感到驕傲。我每天都在爲你祈禱。我從紐約上州爲你送上無限愛意。你是全球女性的榜樣和動力泉源。你的天賦正在彰顯。男士們談論著和平,女士們爲和平而身體力行。謝謝你,我親愛的姐妹。」
Jennifer in Central Park in New York on Nov 6, 2020. Photo by Benny Zhang. 曾錚2020年11月6日攝於紐約中央公園。攝影:張炳乾。
11/15/2021 *
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