Beauty is always discovered in the most unexpected moments. 美麗,總是在不經意間被發現。
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Beauty is always discovered in the most unexpected moments. 美麗,總是在不經意間被發現。
On May 13th, 2023, on the 31st anniversary of the introduction of Falun Dafa, dozens of Falun Gong practitioners in the New England region of the United States held a celebration in front of the Worcester City Hall.
2023年5月13日,是法輪大法傳世31週年。部分美國新英格蘭地區法輪功學員於伍斯特市政廳前舉行了慶祝活動,美國麻州參議員Michael O Moore代表州參議院向新英格蘭法輪大法協會頒發褒獎狀並致賀辭,以表彰法輪大法創始人李洪志先生及法輪大法31年來為世界所做的貢獻。
After a spring rain, it was surprising to see flower buds shooting up in the courtyard!
But one thing is certain: Because we failed to stop the atrocity then, more people have become victims, including Urghiers. Now even ordinary Chinese people can "disappear" anytime in #CCPChina.
Letting go of attachment is the only way to ascend. 放下執著,才有昇華。And it feels so good. 真好。
You are an inspiration to women everywhere. Your gift is showing. Men talk of peace, women take action to peace. 你是全球女性的榜樣和動力泉源。你的天賦正在彰顯。
The very difficult topics that you bring to our attention are sincerely prayed over & alerted to others who are compelled to seek earnestly for awareness and for justice against these crimes against humanity. 你將如此困難的話題呈現在我們面前,我們定會爲之虔誠地祈禱,我們也會警示他人,警示那些熱切地尋求真相,並矢言要將這些反人類罪行繩之以法的人們。