Bringing a new life into this world is always wonderful and it shows one's confidence and trust in humanity.”
All in Inspired by Life 人生感悟
Bringing a new life into this world is always wonderful and it shows one's confidence and trust in humanity.”
It’s said that many experts are using various “professional” methods to analyze why polls don’t work well in U.S. elections. They have plenty of theories and explanations.
To me, the reason is simple…
I only hope the United States continues to be great and doesn’t get ruined by those who, despite their privilege, are too blind to appreciate it and do stupid things to damage and destroy it.
Yesterday, at the request of the victim, I removed an interview video and related images. As a journalist, retracting a report that is accurate and truthful is not something I do willingly. However...
I was utterly confused, thinking, ‘What’s so funny about a goldfish turning belly up? Besides, the goldfish didn’t even turn belly up.’
In fact, if one can truly follow Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance without reservation and without seeking anything in return, being a good person is itself a reward. There is no need to gain anything "extra"; this alone is sufficient for happiness and fulfillment.
However, faced with threats to her loved ones and the inability to return to China to visit them, the friend still feels "excruciating pain throughout her body." 然而,面對親人,及親人所受到的威脅,以及即便親人快過世時也不能回國看望的處境,朋友仍然會「痛遍全身。」
你在樹林裡撿到一塊手錶,你會這麼想嗎:這是在遙遠的過去,某座火山噴發後,噴發出來的某些礦物在機緣巧合下,風吹雨打恰巧之下,變成了 一個正圓精確毫無瑕疵的齒輪