“It Hurts All Over My Body” 「痛遍全身」
This morning, I received a text message from a friend saying, "The CCP's arm is really long. My family in China just called and said that they want me to write a pledge to disassociate myself from Falun Gong and hand it over to X X, so that I can return home safely.
今早收到朋友的短信說:「中共黑手伸的真長,剛才國內家人打電話說,讓我寫個保證書,脫離法輪功,交到X X,就可以安全回國。
"I really want to cry, suddenly my heart hurts, it hurts all over my body."
In the 25-year-long persecution of Falun Gong by the CCP, such an incident is no longer a big deal. However, every person who has experienced it still has "pain all over his/her body."
This is not the first time that this friend has received such a “message”.
Before she practiced Falun Gong, she had a tumor growing in her left lung, as big as a fist. High fever, nosebleeds, and coughing used to be commonplace. At that time, when the doctor saw her scanning film, his face was full of serious expressions. When she asked the doctor if she could live for another three months, the doctor was silent, unable to answer her.
Despite such a dire physical condition, the friend fully recovered after practicing Falun Gong.
However, faced with threats to her loved ones and the inability to return to China to visit them, the friend still feels "excruciating pain throughout her body."
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Photo: A Falun Gong practitioner doing the second exercise of Falun Gong, Falun Standing Stance. 圖:一名法輪功學員在做法輪功第二套功法,「法輪樁法」