Speech at the Public Rally Supporting Chinese Defector Chen Yonglin and Hao Fengjun
It is becoming more obvious every day that the Chinese Communist Party ship is sinking. Nearly 2 and a half million people have already jumped for their lives from this modern-day Titanic. This is a ship carrying a ‘gangster regime’, a corrupt movement, a harmful and dangerous ‘cult’, so why is the Australian government so willing to jump on board and be drowned along with them?
Jennifer Zeng Speaks at a Public Forum in Melbourne in 2005.
The people of Australia and its government have in their hands the power to help end the Communist tyranny that today is causing immense grief and suffering to people and their families, not just in China, but across the world. Ask yourself: “Do they have the right to bring terror into peaceful, democratic countries? Do they have the right to make even those they call ‘comrade’ live in fear and terror? Do they have the right to make these people live their lives torn in half by the need to survive or the duty to their conscience?”
Mr Chen Yonglin made the claim that there are at least 1,000 spies operating in Australia today. In my book, Witnessing History, on page 314 there is a brief discussion on the presence of a known 1,000 ‘agents’ of Jiang Zemin’s regime who had been dispatched, at great expense to Chinese taxpayers, in the form of journalists, merchants and spies. This was reported back in 2002.. When I first arrived in Australia after my detention and my escape from China, even I was suspected of being a spy, sent out here to infiltrate the ranks of Falun Gong. Can you be certain the person standing next to you right now is not a CCP agent? A Queensland man, Ji Yunsheng, has been reported in the media as openly declaring that he was enlisted to spy in Brisbane, and there is documented evidence of many such cases around Australia.
Hundreds of Chinese people attended a series of public forums in August, 2005 in Melbourne to show support to Chen Yonglin, a former CCP diplomat who chose to leave CCP.
Why is it acceptable for a certain section of the Australian community, in a free, democratic society, to live in fear and suspicion, while everyone else is guaranteed a life free of terror? Are Mr Chen and Mr Hao assured of a life free from terror? Why is there diplomatic immunity for some, but not for others? How can the ‘dignity of the mission’ of Chinese diplomats and dignitaries like Mr Chen be protected in writing by Australia’s Foreign Minister ONLY when he is helping to persecute Falun Gong, but not when he bravely chooses to stop? And what is the ‘crime’ of Falun Gong practitioners that they are spied upon right under the noses of the Australian government? Is it because we are misunderstood? Is it because the Australian media sometimes portrays us the way the Communist government wants us portrayed? Is it ok for anyone who values spiritual belief over material gain and refuses to use violence against violence to become victims under governments who are only interested in trade?
為什麼在澳洲,一個自由民主的國度,還有人必須生活在恐怖和懷疑之中?陳用林和郝鳳軍能享有免于恐懼的生活嗎?為什麼當陳用林參與迫害法輪功時,澳洲外長月 月簽發文件來保證他的「尊嚴」;而當他勇敢地選擇不再參與迫害時,他就不再享受保護了呢?他們憑什麼敢于在澳洲政府的眼皮底下監視法輪功學員?難道是因為 人們誤解了我們嗎?難道是因為我們的媒體有時像中共的宣傳機器一樣抹黑我們嗎?為什麼要使重精神信仰甚于物質利益的人成為只關心貿易的政府的犧牲品?
The Chinese Communist ship is going down. The Australian government is unfortunately allowing itself to be caught in the undertow, and will most certainly be pulled under if they do not jump free NOW! The Australian people must think clearly for their government, as its thinking is clouded with false images of a shining economy that is only balanced, like a rotting tooth, ready to cave in at the slightest touch. Keep watching, because soon we will see this mighty economic and political infrastructure tumble.
I appeal to the people of the world who have a conscience and who care about humanity, to stand up and speak out. Let the voice of justice be heard.
Please use all your many small voices and call together for an immediate end to the torture and terror of suppression against the Chinese people, not just in China but around the world.
June 13, 2005