My Conversation with a Facebook Friend: Forgiveness & Superpower
After I posted the article "Thoughts on My Mother's Birthday" , someone(Mr. L) posted this comment about it:
Mr. L: Forget the past, let move on ... China is prosperous now... My vision in 2002 ... say China will be superpower in 10 years ...but nobody believe me at that time.
And the following are my responses:
Jennifer: I think in the US, they are still commemorating 911 every year. Nobody says to the Jews that you should forget the gennoacide in WW II. Why different principles should apply to China? Germany was also a superpower before WW II.
Commemorating the 14th Anniversary of 9/11
Mr. L: History nobody can change it... we only can change our perception ...Nobody is perfect ... forgive is the only positive way of life ...
Jennifer: Forgive? When people are still being killed for their organs, and when the world pretends not to know it, I choose to expose the killings instead of covering up and burying the memories. People's lives are at stake. You forgive the killers? I prefer to have their crime exposed; and I hope that human kind will have the ability to bring the killers to justice one day. Maybe after then we can start talking about forgiveness and reconciliation. If we keep silent when the killing is still going on, it is conspiracy with the murderers.
Mr. L: I do not believe the government is doing this, it must be syndicate is behind this.
Jennifer: Please check The US congress is believing it, and has passed resolutions to condemn this. Please check "US Congress unanimously passes House Resolution 343" and the H.Res.343 on the US Congress's website.
The Nuremberg trial.