"What a Great Book You Have Written!"
-Letter from a friend regarding "Witnessing History: one woman's fight for freedom and Falun Gong"
Dear Jennifer,
I finished reading your book. What a great book you have written! You are very observant, analytical and honest. The language and the structure of the book are skillfully mastered. The description of your feelings, emotions, your journey to Falun Gong and the cruel treatment you received in prison are so detailed. It is vividly and beautifully written. I must say you are very talented and gifted. Wish you finish this book sometime soon and get it published.
Before I read your book, I thought your interest in Falun Gong was originated from your illness, not knowing you had tried to seek the answers for the meaning of life long before that. I more or less understand why you are so deeply involved with this thoughts/religion. It seems Falun Gong give you the answer you have been looking for.
From your book, it seems that you believed "God" had called upon you to take more responsibilities for the cause. Correct me if I am wrong, what sustained you from being mentally and physically destroyed while you were in prison was your belief in your cause and your strong sense of responsibilities.
You have raised a very interesting question in your book: what is the solution for our society's illness: greed, anxiety, stress, crime, unhappiness etc... Is it a religion? if it is religion, why these countries that implement the most strict religious laws still have all the problems other countries have? If not religion, what is it? I know for certain communism is not the answer. Is Falun Gong the answer? I will have to read the book and see for myself.
A reader is reading reviews about Jennifer's book at a bookstore in Gold Coast, Australia, in May 2005.