The Amazing Power One Film Can Have

The Amazing Power One Film Can Have

When I watched the short film Ravage, all I knew was that a lovely young woman was in dire distress in a warm, cozy room somewhere. She hears someone’s voice through the wall and she hears screaming. But the room looks so comfortable, she's beautiful, she's wearing a gorgeous dress. What's going on? I had to find out. 

She’s a mother. Her adorable little daughter wrote to her to ask her to give up her beliefs so she could come home. Is that why she hears screaming? Is she in China where they lock up people if their beliefs don’t match the government’s? (I was a prisoner for that reason, too, once.)

It’s a horrible choice to face: give up your spiritual practice if you want to go free — but go back to a place that is never truly free.

I understand this character’s struggle. She wants a world where her daughter’s heart and soul can enjoy their human rights, freedom of belief, freedom of speech, and she’s willing to suffer for this dream. But what a terrible cost. 

The way the filmmaker handles the entire, larger story of international impact is something you won’t forget. It will make you shudder and make you think. I’ve seen a lot of films and videos about human rights abuses in China, and this is a work of art. It deserves its accolades: “Best Sound Design" at the Global Impact Film Festival and official selection at the prestigious San Diego International Film Festival. My guess is Ravage would have been in more festivals, but China’s soft power reaches far and wide. One day. One day. 

Take seven minutes and watch Ravage below, then share the film far and wide. These crimes affect us all, and they’ve gone on too long. Sharing this film is a great way to spread awareness about what is really happening, which is Chinese leaders’ worst fear. One day, these crimes must end. Let’s make it happen sooner.  

Spoiler Alert: This interactive website explains the true story behind Ravage, including the eye-witness account that inspired it.

Breath Of The Spirit

Breath Of The Spirit

Making a Speech 「爲了這一天,我走了多少路!」

Making a Speech 「爲了這一天,我走了多少路!」