Australian Chinese Offered $100 to Welcome Li Keqiang 李克強訪澳 中領館僱人歡迎一天一百

Australian Chinese Offered $100 to Welcome Li Keqiang 李克強訪澳 中領館僱人歡迎一天一百

By Jennifer Zeng, March 31, 2017

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has touched down in Canberra for a five-day visit. While Australian Falun Gong practitioners gathered in Canberra to call for an end of the brutal persecution of Falun Gong which has lasted for more than 17 years, the Chinese Consulate is also recruiting "welcome team" for $100 per day, plus free lunch boxes and bus ride. But every participant has to register with their real names.



XXX說悉尼天津總同鄉聯誼會招兵買馬讓人去堪培拉和悉尼歡迎李克強 每人一百澳元 一個盒飯 包車/一天。要實名登記報領事館。他沒去。

Australian Falun Gong practitioners Call for an End of the Persecution of Falun Gong during Li Keqiang's visit. 澳洲法轮功学员在李克强下榻的酒店对面表达要求停止迫害的诉求(安平雅/大纪元)圖片來源:Photo credit: 大紀元

Australian Falun Gong practitioners Call for an End of the Persecution of Falun Gong during Li Keqiang's visit. 澳洲法轮功学员在李克强下榻的酒店对面表达要求停止迫害的诉求(安平雅/大纪元)
圖片來源:Photo credit: 大紀元

Pierre Puvis de Chavannes: The River 象徵主義畫家皮埃爾‧皮維‧德‧夏凡納:在河邊

Pierre Puvis de Chavannes: The River 象徵主義畫家皮埃爾‧皮維‧德‧夏凡納:在河邊

NTD's "Free China" Film Wins Free Speech Award in Philadelphia

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