Have I Turned back to 20 with the Glasses? 戴上眼鏡 我重返20了嗎?

Have I Turned back to 20 with the Glasses? 戴上眼鏡 我重返20了嗎?

Last Tuesday, in order to watch Shen Yun more clearly on the following day, I went to Walmart to get a pair of glasses. As I never had any previous experiences, I was stupid enough to believe that I could get the glasses right there and then.


Alas! It turned out that the glasses would only be available one week later; as they needed to send my eyesight test result to the lab, etc. So, I ended up watching Shen Yun still with my naked eyes on Wednesday.


Luckily enough, I was on the fourth row, so not too bad. I saw everything with reasonable clarity, and was moved to tears by the most beautiful show.


Well, my nearsighted-glasses arrived today. Am I looking 20 years old with it? Haha. See my post below from last week.


Am I Turning Back to a Youth? 我重返20了嗎?


First Time Ever, With Glasses. 生平頭回戴眼鏡。

First Time Ever, With Glasses. 生平頭回戴眼鏡。

First Time Ever, With Glasses. 生平頭回戴眼鏡。

First Time Ever, With Glasses. 生平頭回戴眼鏡。

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Speaking out on Human Rights 絕食維權 聲援高智晟

Port and Boats 海港與船隊

Port and Boats 海港與船隊