"Free China" Daylily 「自由中國」之花
So honored to receive this "Free China" Daylily cultivated, named and sent by Guiru Zhang. This flower is officially recognized by The American Hemerocallis Society, Inc. (AHS) . And this is the "Free China" page on its website: http://www.daylilies.org/DaylilyDB/detail.php?id=178372&name=Free+China
這個萱草新品種「自由中國」是由Guiru Zhang培育的,他根據以我爲主角的紀錄片《自由中國:有勇氣相信》(http://freechina.ntdtv.org)來命名這個新品種,這棵株苗是他送給我的。好榮幸啊!
Guiru named this daylily after the documentary "Free China: The Courage to Believe" in which my story was featured. Just planted it in my garden. Hope it will flourish & blossom soon.
"Free China" flower mailed to me from its "creator". 「自由中國」的培育者給我寄來的株苗。
August 28, 2017年8月28日