The Tide Turns & What Lies Behind Xi Jinping’s Late Congratulations to Biden [Part One]

The Tide Turns & What Lies Behind Xi Jinping’s Late Congratulations to Biden [Part One]

Hello, everyone, welcome to “Inconvenient Truths”. I am your host Jennifer Zeng.

Today I will first of all give you some updates of issues that I believe are most important. In the meantime, I will talk about how I look at these issues. And finally, I will talk about why, after being silent for many days,  Xi Jinping suddenly extended his late, but “warm” “congratulations ” to Joe Biden as the “President-elect”.  And because there is too much talk, so I will break up this show into two parts, and play the first part today, and the second tomorrow. 

First, let's do some news updates. Many of the events I am going to talk about happened on the same day, Nov. 25, which is now regarded by many as a turning point in this most important US election. 

Pennsylvania State Legislature Holds A Public Hearing on Election Irregularities

Pennsylvania State Legislature held a public Hearing on election irregularities on Nov. 25.  The hearing lasted for three and a half hours, and large amounts of evidence and witness testimonies were presented. 

For example, one witness said instead of seeing a smooth curve going up on Election night, like what we see under normal circumstances,  Pennsylvania gets huge spikes in the voting pattern that netted 570,000 votes for Biden and just 3200 for Trump, which means, Biden gets 99.5% of those votes.  When he said that Trump only got 3200 votes, people in the hearing laughed out loudly. 

Please note that Biden's margin of victory over Trump in Pennsylvania is under 81,000 votes.

There were many other irregularities, such as there were only 1.8 million absentee ballots mailed out, but 2.5 million were counted. The difference is 700, 000. 

One witness said that he saw one person walking in with baggies of USBs and uploaded them to the voting machines. The witness saw that happen over 25 times. He also said that as of now,  47 USB cards are “missing” and nowhere to be found; etc. 

One elderly lady complained that after she voted on the machine, the machine printed out her ballot, but Trump’s name was not on it. 

“I voted for Trump, and it wasn’t there,” she said. 

 Chinese commentator Jason said in NTDTV’s Focus Talk program that this lady’s experience was very important to know, as it could be connected to a systemic fraud scheme. According to a study by Georgia Institute of Technology, only 50% of voters will give a casual glimpse at their ballots after they are printed out by the machine,  half of the voters don’t check at all. And out of the people who do check, only less than 5 or 10 percent can find that there are problems when problems do exist. Most people just scan them without checking or finding out that there are mistakes.

So, if someone writes a program to change 5% or 10% of the voting results, the chance of the changed votes being caught or found out will be only less than 0.2 or 0.3%. 

So, using this method, you can change 5% of the voting result, and the chance of being caught is very, very low.

Pennsylvania Judge Halts Further Vote Certification; Gov. Wolf Appeals

Also on Nov. 25, a Pennsylvania appeals court judge ordered state officials to halt any further steps toward certifying election results, a day after Gov. Tom Wolf said he had certified Joe Biden as the winner of the presidential election in Pennsylvania. Wolf quickly asked the state Supreme Court to block the ruling from taking effect, saying there was no “conceivable justification” for it.

The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals Grants Expedited Review Over Lin Wood’s Election Lawsuit in Georgia

Now, let’s move to Georgia. The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals granted Lin Wood’s emergency motion for expedited review of a lawsuit challenging the validity of Georgia's election procedure. By the way, Lin Wood is an American attorney based in Georgia, who supports Trump but is fighting in his own capacity. 

Nevada Court Win Lets Trump Present Ballot Evidence

Now, some development in another battleground.  A Nevada judge has agreed to let the Trump campaign present its evidence of voter fraud in a Dec. 3rd hearing. The campaign plans to present its evidence that could result in the rejection of tens of thousands of mail-in ballots in Clark County, where Biden ballots outnumbered Trump ballots by 91,000 in unofficial results.

A Washington Examiner report called this a “huge court win”

Sidney Powell Files Lawsuit in Georgia and Michigan Alleging ‘Massive Election Fraud’

Now, let’s talk about Sidney Powell’s “biblical lawsuits”. Sidney Powell is a former federal prosecutor, who is also fighting in her own capacity, and “on behalf of ‘we the people’”. 

In late-night of Nov. 25, she filed a 104-page complaint in Georgia, and a 75 page one in Michigan, alleging “massive election fraud” and multiple violations of the Constitution.

The Georgia suit was filed against Gov. Brian Kemp, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, and other election officials, seeking to compel the court to invalidate the election results in Georgia.

The complaint argues that “at least 96,600 absentee ballots were requested and counted but were never recorded as being returned to county election boards by the voter. Thus, at a minimum, 96,600 votes must be disregarded.”

The complaint also says that “the Dominion software was accessed by agents acting on behalf of China and Iran in order to monitor and manipulate elections, including the most recent US general election in 2020. ”

The lawsuit in Michigan also seeks to set aside the results of the election in Michigan, claiming that “hundreds of thousands of illegal, ineligible, duplicate, or purely fictitious ballots” enabled by “massive election fraud” helped make possible Biden’s vote count lead in the state. The suit also pointed to multiple issues pertaining to Dominion Voting Systems.

Sidney Powell has set up a website called “Defending the Republic”, and the above mentioned two complaints can be found on her website. 

An interesting development of this affair is, before the courts hear the cases or make any judgments, Twitter already made a decision to ban her website. So you cannot share the two legal files on Twitter. 

I tried it myself, you are indeed not allowed to tweet the files. 

 OK, that’s all for today. Please make sure you subscribe to my channel and come back for the 2nd part tomorrow.

Thank you, see you soon!


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The Tide Turns & What Lies Behind Xi Jinping’s Late Congratulations to Biden  [Part Two]

The Tide Turns & What Lies Behind Xi Jinping’s Late Congratulations to Biden [Part Two]

