Cure for CCPVirus
Everybody should ask ourselves the following questions(according to me):
1. When I heard bad things happening in China, and how the #CCP was killing/persecuting its own innocent citizens, did I say, "Oh, it is China, after all. What can we do? So far away."
2. Did I, although knowing bad things or even the evil nature of the CCP, pretend that I didn't know, or subconsciously avoided touching this issue, or talking about it, just because it is more convenient?
3. Did I knowingly put aside all the bad things about CCP because there were so many business opportunities?
4. Did I actively work for, help, sing praises to the CCP to gain personal or business interest?
5. Have I profited from helping the CCP to persecute its own people or do more evil to the world?
If the answers to all the above questions are "no", well, you've found your cure.
If not all the answers are "no", make them into a "no" in the future, and that is also your cure.
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