2020 & 2021: How Has the Pandemic Changed Us, and What Lies Ahead?

2020 & 2021: How Has the Pandemic Changed Us, and What Lies Ahead?

2020 & 2021: How Has the Pandemic Changed Us, and What Lies Ahead?

Hello, everyone, welcome to “Inconvenient Truths”. I am your host Jennifer Zeng. 

The year 2020 has just passed. I think everybody would agree that it was a year like nothing else, with a global pandemic starting from China and spreading to the world, and which is still going on. How has it changed us? What kinds of effects has the pandemic brought to China, the CCP, and the world? What will the year 2021 be like? Today I’d like to share some of my thoughts regarding these.

2020: A Year of Covering-up

Some say that for CCP’s China, the year 2020 started with an admonition, and ended with a sentence.

What does this mean?

Well, on January 1, 2020, when people were celebrating a new decade, Dr. Li Wenliang in Wuhan, China, was summoned to the police station for “spreading rumors” about a SARS-like outbreak. 7 other doctors were also arrested for the same reason. The CCP’s most important TV mouthpiece, China Central TV broadcast the news of the 8 doctors’ punishment and condemned them for “spreading rumors”. Many other local TV channels repeated the message on the following day

Then, on Jan 3, Dr. Li Wenling was summoned to the police station again, and was forced to sign a statement to acknowledge his “mistake” and to promise that he would not commit further “unlawful acts.” 

Thus, the CCP successfully suppressed the news about the deadly virus, until they could no longer suppress it. As a result, the whole world was infected, and nearly 2 million people were killed worldwide. And this number definitely doesn’t include the death toll in China, as the CCP never tells the truth, so we don’t know the real number.

By the way, Dr. Li Wenliang himself was also killed by the virus, as soon as only about one month after he was punished for “spreading rumors”. 

Then, at the end of the year, on Dec 28, lawyer Zhang Zhan was sentenced to four years in prison for her reporting on the CCP's mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic

Other than Zhang Zhan, three other citizen journalists were also arrested. One of them is Fang Bin. Nobody knows what has happened to him since he was arrested in Feb last year, after he shot and uploaded videos of many bodies in a hospital in Wuhan. 

Another one is Chen Qiushi. He also went missing in Feb. Some say he is still in prison, some say he is under house arrest. 

Another arrested young man was Li Zehua. He live-streamed the police’s raid of his hotel room on Feb 26, before he disappeared. Then on April 22, he posted another video to tell people what had happened to him since that day. According to him, he was taken to a police station to be questioned and then was put under quarantine for many days, and he was fine, etc.

After that, Li Zehua totally disappeared from the public’s eyes. Obviously, he was “shut up” by the police.

Well, in such a huge country, the most populous country in the world, only 4 citizens managed to openly challenge the CCP’s official narrative of the pandemic, but all failed, with very big prices. 

So, in this sense, the year 2020 is a year of covering up for the CCP, apart from everything else.

 Characteristics of the Pandemic in China

Then, what has this pandemic that the CCP wanted to cover up no matter what, brought to the CCP?

First of all, let’s check some of the characteristics of the pandemic in China:

  1. The severity of the pandemic has been the worst since the CCP came to power, far exceeding that of SARS in 2003 by many times, and forced the CCP to lockdown Wuhan, a city with a population of 11 million, for the first time, for 76 days.

  2. The pandemic has become a new norm for China, although the CCP keeps claiming that it has "successfully defeated the epidemic." The reality is, the pandemic never goes away and keeps breaking out. Toward the end of the year, “Wartime Status” was declared in a number of cities including Beijing and Shenyang. A Wuhan style lockdown was also implemented in Shenyang, where people were struck with panic.

  3. An effective vaccine is questionable as the pandemic is very different. So far there isn’t an effective one available in China, and people are worried about the so-called ADE phenomenon, which means “Antibody-dependent Enhancement”. With this ADE, people’s disease could become worse after they are vaccinated. There have already been many reports about the problems with the “Made in China” vaccine, such as people still getting infected after being vaccinated, lack of proper clinical trial procedures, etc. Many Chinese people don’t trust the vaccine at all. So doctors say the leaders should try it first to set an example for the public.

  4. The second big wave could hit at any moment. If it happens, we may not be as lucky as in 2003, when SARS broke out. Many, many more people, could die. The number could be terrifying.

How Has the Pandemic Affected the CCP?

Then how has the pandemic affected the CCP?

  1. First of all, it has fundamentally changed the domestic and international environment for the CCP. The CCP’s cover-up of the pandemic cost the world the chance to contain the virus and made more people see the evil nature of the CCP, and people want to hold the CCP accountable for the losses. Many people’s perceptions of the CCP also completely changed.

  2. The inhuman ways that the CCP adopted in handling the pandemic, such as welding people in their houses, starving people to death, forcefully quarantining people without proper arrangements, etc, also let people know the CCP’s evil nature and made more people want to break away from the CCP.

  3. The pandemic, coupled with the global reconstruction of the supply chains, hit the CCP’s economy very badly. Under such circumstances, the CCP was forced to adopt a new model, the so-called “Internal Circulation”. The long-term consequences are yet to be seen.

  4. The internal fighting within the CCP’s top-level became more intensive with all the crises emerging. I have done a program before to talk about this. If you haven’t watched it, please go back to watch it.

A Pre-death Euphoria

Overall, the pandemic is like a lethal injection given to the CCP.  However, within this lethal injection, there are also a large number of stimulant ingredients to give the CCP a pre-death euphoria that can confuse both the CCP and the world.

What kind of euphoria?

  1. After hitting China hard, the pandemic soon found its way into other countries. To date, there are more than 20 million cases in the US, about 1/4 of the global total, making the US the worst-hit country in the world. France, the UK, Italy, Spain, and Germany all have more than a million cases, ranking in the top 10 in the world. In addition, India, Brazil, Russia are the world's No. 2, 3, and 4.

So, looking at these numbers on the surface, it seems that the US, and other democratic countries, are all so vulnerable to the plague. This gives the CCP more excuses to attack the West and to boast how the CCP’s system is much better or even the best in terms of fighting the pandemic. Many Chinese people do believe that the CCP did a better job.

  1. The CCP’s Statistics Bureau released data in Oct., saying that China's economic growth turned from negative to positive in the first three quarters, up 0.7 percent year-on-year. Several international agencies, including the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), said China will be the only major global economy to achieve positive growth in 2020.

A British think tank, as well as many CCP experts, are saying that because of the pandemic, China will surpass the US by 2028, five years earlier than previously expected. 

Although many people know that the CCP’s statistics, or virtually any numbers, cannot be trusted at all, there are, unfortunately, many people still doing their calculations and making their predictions based on the CCP’s numbers. As a result, the CCP has gained a great advantage in terms of public opinion. 

  1. Because of the previous “embracing China” strategy, China has become the world's largest manufacturing country and has a dominant position in personal protective equipment, medical devices, pharmaceutical raw materials, and intermediate goods, etc. The CCP has taken advantage of this situation to practice its "mask diplomacy" and "epidemic diplomacy" to bully other countries. By seeking hegemony with the pandemic, the CCP has been very arrogant and seems unbeatable.

So, the above is what the pandemic has brought to the CCP and CCP’s China.

What Has the Pandemic Brought to the World?

And how about the world?

On the one hand, this pandemic has made more people and more countries see through the CCP’s deceitful and ruthless, evil nature. 

On the other hand, the pandemic has hit the world so badly and many governments are too busy tracking it without being able to jump out of the boxes and to try to find out the root cause of all the problems.

In the US, the pandemic has not only hit the economy hard but also fundamentally changed the 2020 election, including its results. What will the contested results bring to the US? It’s still hard to tell now. But the consequences could be very damning. 

The irony is, while some governments, organizations, and individuals talked about holding the CCP accountable for the spread of the CCP virus several months ago, it seems nobody is thinking or talking about it anymore. Have people accepted the “reality” and the ugliness of this matter? Do we care anymore?

On the last day of 2020, I wrote such a short message as my New Year greeting on my social media platforms:

2020 is bad enough.

2021 could be worse.

Say NO to the CCP

That's the way to be safe and at peace.

God Bless Everyone!

Happy New Year (no matter what)!

Well, that’s pretty much also the message I want to express in this first show of mine in 2021.

No matter how unpredictable things are today, I still believe the main theme of our time and our world remains “Heaven Eliminates the CCP”.  

2021 is a time when every one of us should make a choice when faced with the CCP’s evil nature and its threat; it could also be a time when Heaven makes selections based on everyone’s choices.

That’s all for today. With a new year ahead of us, I wish everyone a very safe and blissful Happy New Year!

Also, please don’t forget to subscribe to & share my channel if you haven’t. If you have missed my previous videos, please also take the time to check them out. 

Thank you. See you next time!


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