Video & Transcript: I Was Given 4 Strains of Coronavirus to Select the Most Infectious: WIV Researcher Shan Chao Says — Jennifer's World
Video & Transcript: I Was Given 4 Strains of Coronavirus to Select the Most Infectious: WIV Researcher Shan Chao Says

Video & Transcript: I Was Given 4 Strains of Coronavirus to Select the Most Infectious: WIV Researcher Shan Chao Says

(Jennifer’s note: This exclusive interview was conducted in Sep. 2021. The Chinese version of this transcript is available here. The background information about this interview can be found here.)

Below are the questions and answers between me and the interviewee. I didn’t correct all the grammar or other mistakes the interviewee and I made. The interviewee referred to Shan Chao 单超 as Chao Shan, which is the Western way of saying a Chinese name, with the given name first and the surname last.)


Q: Tell us about what you know about Shan Chao: Who is he? What did tell you?

A: A Chinese scientist named Chao Shan was staff of Wuhan Institute of Virology. I knew him for a while. He contacted me in 2020, that, specifically, March, about something of the virus that was going on at that time. 

Q: So why did he contact you? And what did he tell you? 

A: Well, he told me that people around him was dying. He was very, he felt very guilty about all the things, according to him. 

I even joking about it. I say you are not even a doctor, what has that to do with you? 

He said he was the one who did some critical test to the virus strain back in 2019, especially, in February.

Q: What kind of test and what kind of virus?

A: According to him, there were four strains of coronavirus, given to him by his superior in Nanjing City.

Q: In Nanjing City? Was he working there in 2019? Or was he still working in Wuhan Institute of Virology?

A: He had a period working in Texas, but I don't know at that time where he was working. 

He worked in Wuhan Institute of Virology and Texas. But I don’t know where he was working exactly at that time.

Q: So when he studied those virus...Okay so, continue to tell us what he told you.

A: He tested on those four strains, to test affinity of the strains, how well they could infect, or how easy to infect other species including human.

The animals he used, [as] mentioned by him, he used transgenic mice with human, human ACE2 receptor, bats, not bats, ferrets, and monkeys. 

Q: So he tested those viruses on these animals to see what? 

A: To see the transmissibility of the viruses. 

Q: Did he actually try to infect human being after they infected those animals?

A: Not from him, but he mentioned something, one of his research team, several, not one, he said several, several of his research team gone missing during the world military games, in September, September and October. 

Q: Went missing? What do you mean by "went missing"? 

A: They were moving out to participate in something. But he's not, he's not authorized to know all the things. He does not know. So, according to him, they were missing for a while.

Q: So what exactly do they do? I heard, last time you told me that they were asked to participate in the inspection of the location, hotel? Whatever condition, 

A: Yes

Q: of the people who come from overseas to participate? Yeah, so tell us about that.

A: Yes, some of information he could give me, he could give me, was, one of the guys told him, they were asked to go to several hotels where the athletes overseas coming will reside in, to do some health inspections, which is very strange. You know, usually [you] do that health inspection with physicians, not virologists. 

Q: So for the nature of the viruses, the four strains of viruses, could you tell us a little bit more? What kind of viruses they were? And what kind of diseases they could cause? 

A: According to him, all four strains are coronavirus. 

Q: Coronavirus?

A: Yes, and they all can cause minor symptoms. But I did not hear anything about the fatality or something.

Q: Do you have any idea what kind of stage was his study? Was he close to, you know, be able to infect a human or it was still in very early stage of experiments?

A: He used the word “complete”. He had four completed virus strains, which means, to my hypothesis, they are all capable of infecting humans, which is, Chao Shan and his team were just expected to find out the one who is sufficient to every single species.

Q: So when you say "completed", do you mean those viruses were all engineered?

A: Yes, they're artificial.

Q: So do you have any idea who engineered those viruses?

A: No. 

Q: So, also you didn't know where he actually worked for or where he worked at that time? 

A: No, I have no idea.

Q: Okay. So, tell us a little bit more about what happened during the world military sports or whatever event in Wuhan. So apart from he felt strange that one of his or several of his team members were asked to participate in inspecting the health conditions of the hotels, what else do you know about that? 

A: That's what he said. And he get, he had a guess. He was guessing that they are actually trying to spread the virus to the athletes, so the athletes can bring those things back to their countries.  

Q: Did he tell you he suspected that? 

A: Yeah, he did told me that, but I didn't, I didn't believe it.

Q: So could you describe [to] us in detail exactly how he word it? How he told you? What kind of language he used, the exact wording of him? Could you try to translate as accurately as you could? 

A: Well, what he said is, exactly what he said is, I believe one of the guys was asked to inoculate people from other countries during the event so that they can be infected and carry the pathogen back to the country they came from with only minor symptoms, which is pretty common in late autumn.

Q: That's the exact wording he used?

A: Yes.

Q: So, I don't quite understand. There is a word to carry what? That is a virus name?

A: Pathogen, yeah you can say this is virus.

Q: Okay. So he said one of his members is supposed to spread or put or inject or whatever method they use…

A: Probably, to him, probably doesn't mean exactly his team member. His team member probably participated in some procedures to infect something or someone for that purpose. But that's just hypothesis, no one has any solid evidence on that.

Q: But that's what he told you?

A: Yes. 

Q: What else? Because he wouldn't just tell you that one sentence? What are they related, or the whole context of the event, of the thing he told you? 

A: He does not know a lot about the event. He just realized that some of his team members have been gone missing during that time, and one of them happened, happened, told him about this. That's all he could say about this event. 

Q: Okay, so he told you this in March 2020, right? 

A: Em.

Q: That was several months after the event. So during those several months, did he get any information regarding, if his team member was involved in that event, did he give any information about how, if they tried to do something, how successful that something was? Is there any, you know, feedback or consequences or whatever result of what they tried to do?

A: No, he didn't mention anything about the consequence of the virus before that.

Q: So do you think when he told you, he felt guilty about what he did? Do you think that kind of, what he did, or this event was also included in what he did? Or only that the virus part, not this sports event part?

A: According to him, because at that time [when] he told me, he was very emotional. I can only try to translate what he was saying, and he was saying he saw a lot of people die, and he feel really guilty because those strains came from his hands. He didn't create them, but he helped, he helped, like he helped the superior,  superior of him to perfection,  to make them perfection, to make it, to make it more likely a good bioweapon. “Bioweapon" was his words.

Q: So he specifically told you he was guilty for this, you know, at that time we already know it was a coronavirus that is killing people in Wuhan and elsewhere.

A: Yes.

Q: So he definitely was very sure that this has something to do with what he did back in 2019?

A: Because, if I didn't remember that wrong, the sequence, the genomic sequence, and polypeptide sequence of the virus, is already out in early February.

Q: Yes. 

A: So as a professional he must have read the paper, so he must have recognized what that is.

Q: So when you say he was very emotional, could you tell us a little bit more about his emotion and under what kind of circumstances, or why do you think he was emotional and do you think you can trust his words when he was very emotional?

A: Hm, well, not the words alone, but now I read a lot of different information from different aspects, I would say, I trust him.

Q: So do you think why he choose to tell you this? This is, you know, can be evidence that could get him maybe a very, very serious consequence for him, for himself and his family?

A: Yes, he actually told me that, April 2020, at that time he told me, he was on a plane from Wuhan to Xinjiang. What he said, we are using a very specific way to contact each other at that time, so I cannot tell you what that is, but we have to suggest each other using underlying. And what he said, what he said exactly, I was sent to Xinjiang to do some health inspections for the people in the reeducation camps, so that they could go home, don't have to crowd in the camps to make the disease spread more. That's what he said.

And he mentioned, I probably went missing after this, and if I went missing, feel not hesitate to tell people what you feel is right.

Q: So that's why you are telling me this?

A: Yes. I lost contact with him since.

Q: So what do you think has happened to him?

A: I don't know. Hopefully he's just silenced,  not in a way of permanent silence, of course.

Q: Okay. So tell us a little bit more about what he said, why he was sent to Xinjiang from Wuhan? 

A: I read some news about Xinjiang. I know that there are education camps there, and I know people who was in jail, basically of the camps, who wanted to fight back to the tyranny of the communist party, and he was sent there, and he suggested he was there doing health inspection and he's not a doctor, he's just a virologist.

As a virologist in the education camp, and let them back, and let them go back home after the health inspection.

And I would only guess the worst, he's probably going to infect them and let them bring the virus back to their families.

Q: So you think the CCP is doing this to the people in Xinjiang? 

A: Yes. 

Q: And did you observe any, you know, more infection after he went there?

A: Yes, exactly, during the pandemic, during outbreak, during the outbreak in Wuhan, it was, end of January, till the beginning of April, there are many places like Wuhan in other provinces across China getting infections, getting infected cases, different patients. Only two provinces have the least infection cases, only like one or two. The first one is in Tibet, the second one is in Xinjiang. They almost had no cases, and we all know that, there's not very populated areas in Xinjiang and Tibet. That's probably why.

And after he went there, during the summer time, you know, it's become hot after May, right? 

So during the summer time, from May to June, there's suddenly an increasing amount of infected cases in Xinjiang, which I do not think is coincident.

Q: So this is, I think the most astonishing thing I heard, oh wow. So tell us what did you think or feel when he told you this?

A: He should not tell me anything that is, he should not tell me anything without any purpose. What he said he was in Xinjiang, he was sent for health inspecting Xinjiang, he must have, he must have some underlines to want to hit me up with something.

This is what I guess. So once I had that hypothesis in mind, I really feel disgusted. That's how I feel. And he told me to tell people about him, about the things after we lost contact. It feels like his last words, hope not.

Q: So do you know how old is he?

A: He's 31 or 32. 

Q: That is quite young.  So how long or when did he work in the Wuhan Institute of Virology? 

A: He worked there after his master, probably 2010 or 11.

Q: So how long did he work there?

A: Maybe three years or four years. 

Q: So did he do his post degree there or he worked there?

A: He worked there, with doing his degree.

Q: Oh so he worked and also doing his degrees. Okay, so do you know his area of study there?

A: I know he's working on some kind of virus and I'm not professional of.

Q: So you don't know what kind of virus?

A: No.

Q: So after he worked there where did he go, do you know? 

A: Well, there is already some information of him dug up online.

So from that I could say he went to Texas after that.

Q: Texas? Also to do research or to study? 

A: I guess it's a post-doc research, post-doctoral research. 

Q: And do you know when did he go back to China from Texas?

A: That part I do not know. 

Q: Okay. So what do you think we should gather from the fact he told you?

A: Well, this is only a small jigsaw of the whole puzzle. So I would like people to gather informations around that institution and around some Chinese scientists who had collaborate, collaborating researches in the United States to try to finish the whole picture, to see what they have done and what they will do with the knowledge and technology they have on the virus.

Q: So from what you told us, I think it's quite astonishing. At least we learned that number one, the CCP was doing some virus engineering and purposely to try to infect people and to study which virus is best in terms of infection rate.

A: Not infection rate, in terms of best unrestricted bioweapon, that's what I want to say.

Q: The best unrestricted bioweapon?

A: Yes. 

Q: So you said he used the word "bioweapon"? 

A: Yes, he did.

Q: Okay.

A: The virus itself is weaponized, that's the purpose of that strain.

Q: Okay. Sorry, give me one moment. It seems my recording was stopped. I need to save this and open another one.

Okay, continue.

So he used the word "bioweapon" when he told you that he was given four strains of coronavirus in March 2020?

A: No, it is, yes, he told me in March 2020. And the strains he got is in February 2019.

Q: So you said, in May or June of 2019, he told you he already got a result of his tests?

A: Yes

Q: Okay, so what was the result he told you?

A: He found out a stain that is very capable for infecting many kind of hosts, which can mask off the intermediate hosts and origination of the virus.

Q: So did he mention which kind of animals?

A: He did those on mice, on monkeys and ferrets.

Q: Okay. So that was number one thing I think is very shocking. And the number two is about the Wuhan military sports event in September.

So if you say he told you that one of his team members who is also a virologist was sent to spread this virus to those people from other countries. Are you saying that?

A: Yes, that's my hypothesis.

Q: So tell us again what exactly, what kind of exact his words when he told you what he knew about his team members' involvement.

A: He's sure that his team member was taken during, before and during the event to the hotel and sometimes to the meeting, to the meeting site, just to do health inspections. That's what he was told.

But health inspections, as I said, should not be done by a virologist. It's suspicious. So I would say they must have a reason behind that, and the only reason I can think of is this. And Shan Chao has…probably the same hypothesis like me.

Q: Yes, so what was the exactly words he used when he told you his hypothesis, or his suspicion?

A: The virus is deliberately released. That's what he says.

Q: Okay, so from what he told you, you believe the virus released in September 2019 was exactly the one they researched in February?

A: Yes, he confirmed that.

Q: Okay.

A: As I said, the sequence and composition of the virus was already exposed during February in 2020, and he's a professional, he must have read papers and he had tested so many things on that stain. So he knew what he's talking about.

Q: Okay. So another very shocking thing you told us is he was sent in April 2020 to Xinjiang also to... Do you think he was sent there to spread the virus, or to do more tests on human beings?

A: I don't know, but I would guess so. I will guess either he's doing experiments on human, or he tried to infect them, and let them go back to home. Because from what I know, in Xinjiang, the weiwuers (维吾尔 Uighurs) and the Chinese majority race the Han(汉) were living in segregation. They're not living together, different community even in the same city. So there's a way to say it is more able to for them to control which one they want to infect, if they're doing the latter. 

Q: So do you have any theory, or what he really did there or what was the purpose? Do you have any guess?

A: My theory is, most likely to go for the latter, which means they are trying to infect them and send them back to their community, trying to affect them all, trying to, my hypothesis is, they're probably trying to do health checks, on the name of their benefits, and trying to collect some biology data from such group of people. That's what I'm thinking, probably not meant to kill them or in some way, because the fatality of this virus is not that high.

Q: Okay. I think all the things you told us today are very, very shocking, you can say allegations. So tell us, this is so huge, tell us what are you thinking about all these things that Shan Chao told you.

A: Since he didn't contact me from last year, April, I think it's probably time for me to pull this up to public for people to know that the origin of the virus that shuts down the global economy is made from specific government, and it is responsible for a specific group of people. I want people to realize it.

Q: So if the US government or any government in the world wants to go ahead with further investigation on the origin of this virus, what do you think they should do? And what direction or how they could collect information and confirm what you said?

A: Well, I would say the first thing is to take good look at the sequence, the RNA sequence of the virus, and try to figure out, there are some artificial print, artificial prints of genetic engineering on that thing. It was explained by Dr. Yan [Mengli]’s report.  

So they really should focus on that first and then try to dig up people who have links with Wuhan Institute of Virology and the people around Shan Chao and other infamous people they already dig out, just probably one jigsaw per time and we hopefully we're going to put the big picture together.

Q: Okay. So you have no idea at all when, where did Shan Chao work when he did those experiments on the four virus strains?

A: For that part was in Wuhan.

Q: Was in Wuhan? 

A: Yes. 

Q: But you don't know where...

A: I don't know if he is affiliated, affiliated to that facility or not.


A: But he was in Wuhan at that time testing on the experimental strains.

Q: Okay. Do you think there is a possibility he still worked for Wuhan Institute of Virology?

A: I would say yes, but I cannot confirm.

Q: So he didn't tell you where he worked when he told you those.

A: No.

Q: Okay. What else do you want to tell us?

A: I think this is probably the most I could give.

Q: Okay. Do you want to talk about this book?

A: The book?

Q: Yeah. 

A: Okay. I read a book, the book is from the Chinese military medical school. It is a virology textbook stating that viral strains that can infect many species, it's pretty convenient as a weapon, because it can bounce, which means transmission from human to wild lives and wild lives in between, and to human again, to infect people repeatedly, which is what we could see now, the COVID19.  It can infect many intermediate hosts, and then jump back to human, and after several generations probably one or two years you will not be able to tell which strain originally came from where, and help them to hide their guilt.

Q: So do you really believe that the COVID-19 pandemic could be a biological war, you know, started by the Chinese Communist Party?

A: From the result I could see now, I prefer to call that biological terrorism, not war.

Q: But it is definitely a man-made pandemic to…

A: Yes. According to Chao Shan, it is artificial, engineered in lab, sent to him, doing transmissible experiments, and selected one of them for the release.

Q: Do you think they purposely released it in 2019 during the Wuhan sports event? And that’s how it infected all the people in Wuhan? And China also suffered so much, so what did they really achieve, if this is a purpose whatever terrorism or war you referred it to? 

A: So let's think about terrorism. Terrorism is trying to kill or damage someone, or some organization, or some nation with a price. The price can be money, can be life, like suicide bombers, right? And those people who died in Wuhan is more likely to be considered as those who were the suicide bombers. They were sacrificed for this so-called great purpose.

Q: So what is the great purpose? What is the purpose of the CCP if they are doing this? 

A: Most of the people in Western world have never heard this, but their ultimate goal, their ultimate goal is actually to rule the world with Communism. But what they say Communism, it wasn't actually Communism, it is just like a kingdom, and an empire that everyone works under the dictator.  That's all.

Q: So they want to start this and then to rule the world with Communism, always with themselves?

A: Yes. 

Q: Okay, So what else do you want to tell us, or do you miss any important facts you need to add?

A: I guess that's all.

Q: Okay, that's all, okay, thank you.


Below are some of the reports and information about Shan Chao that I found. All are in Chinese. The English titles were translated by me. I have achieved them too.

  1. Shan Chao’s Profile page on the website of WIV 武漢病毒所单超資料頁

(archived on Sep 28, 2021)

(archived on Jun 23, 2023)

2. Overcoming difficulties and shouldering heavy responsibilities with courage —A Tribute to Shan Chao, the Outstanding Youth of Wuhan Institute of Virology



3. Dr. Shan Chao, a researcher from the University of Texas, was invited to our university's cutting-edge science forum.


4. Introduction of Shan Chao 单超簡介

5. The Most Beautiful Youths Lie in Struggle

  • Remembering the Annual Young Achiever of Wuhan Institute of Virology

  • 奋斗的青春最美丽


(Vidoe included 含宣傳片)

6. [Exclusive Interview] The Story Behind the Successful Development of the Attenuated Zika Vaccine【专访】寨卡减毒活疫苗成功研发背后的故事

7. Establishment of Non-Human Primate Models for 2019 Novel Coronavirus Infection at Wuhan Institute of Virology and Others 武汉病毒所等建立2019新冠病毒非人灵长类动物感染模型

8. Animal Model Testing Shows Safety and Efficacy of Inactivated COVID-19 Vaccine | Recommended by VS 动物模型测试表明新冠灭活疫苗安全有效 | VS推荐

9. Resume and Publications of Shan Chao 单超簡歷及論文

10. Collaboration between Shan Chao’s Mentor Professor Pei-Yong Shi, along with the Zhou Xi team from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the Qin Chengfeng team from the Academy of Military Medical Sciences of the Military Science Academy, and the Hu Baoyang team from the Institute of Zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.


11. Chinese-led team develops attenuated live Zika vaccine 华人领衔团队研发出寨卡减毒活疫苗 (This page was already deleted. 此頁面已被刪除。)

12. Cell: Professor Pei-Yong Shi's team and collaborators confirm the effectiveness of two vaccines in reducing Zika virus infection in mouse placentas and fetuses (with expert commentary) | Recommended by VS. Cell:史佩勇团队与合作者证实两种疫苗可有效降低寨卡病毒对小鼠胎盘和胎儿的感染(附专家点评) |VS推荐

13. New progress in the development of the attenuated live Zika vaccine led by Chinese scientist Professor Pei-Yong Shi 华人科学家史佩勇教授领衔团队研发的寨卡减毒活疫苗取得新进展

14. Professor Pei-Yong Shi from the Texas Medical College appointed as a visiting professor at our university for academic exchange 德克萨斯州医学院史佩勇教授受聘我校客座教授并进行学术交流

15. Professor Pei-Yong Shi from the Texas Medical College appointed as a visiting professor at our university 德克萨斯州医学院史佩勇教授受聘我校客座教授

16. 2020 Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Award Nomination Announcement 2020年北京市科学技术奖提名公示内容

17. Major Breakthrough! Shi Zhengli/Shan Chao/Yuan Zhiming Created a Non-Human Primate Model of novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) 重大突破!石正丽/单超/袁志明生成了非人类灵长动物新冠模型

18. Infection with novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) causes pneumonia in Rhesus macaques


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