Half of CCP's Central Military Commission Officials Fall - State Councilors in High-Risk Profession

Half of CCP's Central Military Commission Officials Fall - State Councilors in High-Risk Profession

Recently, there has been significant turbulence at the top of the CCP, especially in the military, which has shocked the world. The latest developments indicate that half, or more than half of the seven members of the Central Military Commission may have been removed from their positions, or encountered huge problems. Furthermore, out of the five State Councilors, two, which amounts to 40%, have been suspended. Some people even joke that being a high-ranking official in China has become a high-risk profession. Today, let’s discuss how this will affect China's future.

The full script and audio file are available at the member’s site at: https://www.jenniferzengblog.com/scripts-audios/2023/9/19/half-of-ccps-central-military-commission-officials-fall-state-councilors-in-high-risk-profession


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