Two Chinese Immigration Agents in California Charged with Handling Fake Asylum Cases

Two Chinese Immigration Agents in California Charged with Handling Fake Asylum Cases

The U.S. government is finally starting to tackle this issue!


The U.S. Department of Justice announced on Friday, October 11, that two Chinese operators of an immigration service company based in Newark, California, assisted their clients in submitting false asylum applications and encouraged clients to lie during asylum interviews.


The two defendants, Dongquan「Derek」Jin and Yimin「Kelly」Lu, co-managed the Gospel Immigration Service, Inc. The company claimed it could help individuals apply for immigration and benefits, including political asylum.


There are simply too many cases like this; I've encountered it myself. When I was doing interview translation for Falun Gong practitioners applying for asylum, in the waiting hall, I often saw agents with Chinese faces teaching applicants pretending to be Falun Gong practitioners how to answer questions or helping applicants review the content of their application materials. Of course, the application materials were fake, hence the need for repeated memorization.


For the real applicants, the Falun Gong practitioners I was there to assist, we would sit there quietly, without making a sound, just listening to those people loudly preparing (why didn't I think to report these people at the time?).


It's tragic that the immigration office somehow, often rejects genuine practitioners while approving many of the fake applicants. The fake applicants' materials are very comprehensive; immigration officers might only review the written documents.


In contrast, genuine practitioners, due to their straightforward nature or cultural and language differences, sometimes cannot correctly understand or answer the immigration officers' questions, and thus are mistakenly thought to be false.


I think the U.S. Immigration Services should at least improve its ability to distinguish between genuine and fake Falun Gong practitioners. In this regard, the Australian Immigration Bureau has made an effort. They once invited me and a few other Falun Gong practitioners to answer questions from immigration officers about Falun Gong to help improve their identification skills. That day, many immigration officers came and asked numerous questions.


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