All in On Communism 九評與共產主義
After the Russia-Ukraine War broke out, people added another part to that famous sentence, which is, “I'm Japanese in Ukraine.” What does this mean? We’ll talk about this today, as well as the CCP’s role in this war, and how things could develop from here.
The result of my own thinking is: in fact, whether we are big guys or small guys in the world, if we can start from our own hearts, we CAN not only save ourselves, but also save others, and the world.
Chinese people have a saying called Nuo Ben(裸奔), which means running on the street with a naked body. So it feels like everybody in China is now running on the street with a naked body.
The issues surrounding environmentalism today are extremely complex: The movement has used sensational rhetoric and people’s genuine desire to protect the environment to create a global political movement. Many participants are well-meaning, have a sense of justice, and truly care about the future of mankind.
Terrorism is inseparable from communism, which itself is the greatest root cause of terrorism around the world. Until these toxic roots are dug out, mankind will not enjoy a single day of peace. Only by recognizing the role of communism in the terrorist activities that plague our world, and by standing on the side of traditional moral values and faith can people safeguard themselves against this menace.
This "modern-day Trojan War" is not about fighting for the "fairest" goddess in the world, but about a battle for the future of humankind between the United States, the free world and a "hidden" force, whose ultimate goal is to destroy humanity. If the latter wins, humankind will be doomed.
Traditional education fosters self-restraint, independent thinking, a sense of responsibility, and understanding for others. The specter of communism wants nothing less than to have the next generation to completely abandon its moral bearings and become its minions for its rule over the world.
Only by elevating morality and returning to faith and tradition will humankind be able to see another renaissance in the arts. Only then will we all see the beauty, nobility, and splendidness of what art can be, and what it was meant to be.
If we are unable to maintain the moral standards dictated by divine commandment as our criterion for recognizing ultimate good and evil, then we are doomed to lose our judicial independence to the communist specter. Agents under the influence of communism will use the law to suppress the righteous and promote the wicked—unwittingly executing the specter’splans to exterminate humanity. There is little time left to reverse this trend.
環保意識的興起出於人類自救的本能,本來無可厚非。但它給了邪靈可乘之機。共產邪靈利用其在人間的代理人,製造大規模的恐慌,鼓吹變異的價值觀,剝 奪人的自由權利,企圖建立大政府甚至全球政府。在這種被共產主義變異的思路裡解決環境問題,其結果是導致人類更快地被集體奴役和走向毀滅。
Human civilization has produced countless books on what constitute true beauty. Theists know that all the wonders in the world come from Heaven. Profound art is an attempt to emulate and display the beauty of Heaven in the human world. An artist’s inspiration comes from the gods.
If we are unable to maintain the moral standards dictated by divine commandment as our criterion for recognizing ultimate good and evil, then we are doomed to lose our judicial independence to the communist specter. Agents under the influence of communism will use the law to suppress the righteous and promote the wicked — unwittingly executing the specter’s plans to exterminate humanity. There is little time left to reverse this trend.
The communist specter has made intricate arrangements to destroy mankind. Its economic arrangements are only one part of the story. To free ourselves from the control of communist “ideals,” we need to unpack the conspiracy, identify the fraudulent messages, and stop putting our hope in this bankrupt ideology.