Exclusive: CCP Seeks to Control US via Cultivating its Own Agents, In Full Swing to Support Andrew Yang 獨家:中共正在美國進行“議會奪權” 全力支持楊安澤競選紐約市長
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is adopting “seizing power via parliament” strategy in the US via cultivating its own agents, and is supporting Andrew Yang’s run for mayor of New York City. At the same time, the CCP has recently sent people to the US to organize a new “United Front” campaign while re-define pro democracy movement as “internal conflicts among the people”, whilst Falun Gong remains an “enemy”.
中共正在美國進行“議會奪權”,用掌控議會的方式奪取美國政權,培養自己的代理人,並全力支持楊安澤(Andrew Yang)競選紐約市長。與此同時,中共近期專門派人到美國組織新的統戰活動,並確定新的“統戰”方針,視民運爲“人民內部矛盾”,視法輪功爲“敵我矛盾”。
According to a sources who spoke on condition of anonymity, the CCP is on the path to “seize U.S. political power through Congress”. Although Andrew Yang is not from Communist China, he is supported by the CCP backed the Federation of Asian Associations and American Chinese Commerce Association.
The source said, John Chen (also Chen Shanzhuang), president of the American Chinese Commerce Association, listens to the Chinese Consulate in New York. Andrew Yang, who once said that he felt a bit ashamed to be Asian, recently co-organized the “Stop Asian Hate” rally with the Federation of Asian Associations.
On March 21, AndrewYang and his wife Evelyn Yang attended the “Stop Asian Hate" rally in Columbus Park, Chinatown, New York City, where Yang gave an 18-minute speech.
3月21日,楊安澤與其夫人Evelyn Yang出席了紐約市中國城哥倫布公園(Columbus Park)的「亞裔維權」活動,楊安澤發表了十八分鐘的演講。
The sources said the CCP has a strong presence in New York, and they claim that candidates must be supported by the Chinese consulate, otherwise the Chinese forces will not help them and will make trouble for them.
According to the source, the CCP is currently working very aggressively to help Andrew Yang get elected.
The source said that he had just moved to New York from out of state, and that the CCP had already started to check his background. He was told by a CCP “United Front Work” official that the CCP had recently adopted a new “United Front Work” policy, and that the pro-democracy movement would be defined as "internal conflict" among the people, while Falun Gong remains an “enemy" for the CCP. The CCP wanted to mobilize all the pro-communist forces in the United States, including the candidates the CCP supported behind the scenes, to work together to fight against Falun Gong.
According to publicly available information, the People's Daily Overseas Edition published a long article about Chen Shanzhuang in 2001; the original article has been removed, but an archived version is available.
Chen Shanzhuang was also reported in 2015 by the overseas pro-Communist Chinese media the China Press , and the original version of that report has been removed, but the archived version still exists.
In a Xinhua report in 2019, Chen Shanzhuang was quoted as saying that “he cannot agree more” with Xi Jinping’s speech about Taiwan, and “that the Taiwan question is China's internal affair and allows no external interference.”
In a 2016 speech, Jin Canrong, Deputy Dean of the School of International Studies, Deputy Director of the Center for American Studies, Renmin University of China, known as the CCP's "state teacher” and Xi Jinping’s senior advisor, said that the CCP’s goal is to “put the US under our jurisdiction”, and one of the methods was to control the votes to change the politicians’ attitude towards the CCP.
Jin Canrong said, “In fact, the U.S. House of Representatives can be controlled, because the United States has 312 million people, and 435 members of the House of Representatives. On average, a congressional district has about 750,000 people, 750,000 people's voter turnout is only 30%, that is, about 200,000 votes can decide his fate (the fate of the congress candidate).
“Generally speaking, the numbers of votes for the two candidates are very close, the gap won’t be particularly large. So in the end, I guess there is only a difference of 10 thousand or several thousand votes. Therefore, if you can have several thousand votes in your hands, you are as good as his father/master. ”
3/25/2021 *
“Stop Asian Hate” rally in New York on March 21. Image source: Twitter 3月21日,紐約市的「亞裔維權」活動。圖片來源:推特
“Stop Asian Hate” rally in New York on March 21. Image source: Twitter 3月21日,紐約市的「亞裔維權」活動。圖片來源:推特
Screen shot of the YouTube video of Andre Yang making a speech on March 21 at “Stop Asian Hate” rally in New York 3月21日,楊安澤在紐約市的「亞裔維權」活動中發表演講。圖片來源:油管視頻截圖。