Help Me Spread the Truth and Fight Back Against Censorship. Please Sign up & Donate!  加入會員 捐款支持 傳播真相 反擊大科技公司箝制言論

Help Me Spread the Truth and Fight Back Against Censorship. Please Sign up & Donate! 加入會員 捐款支持 傳播真相 反擊大科技公司箝制言論

I am so excited to announce that I have set up a membership and donation function on my website at, so that I can start creating and offering exclusive content and services for members, as well as fight back against the big tech companies’ censorship and suppression.


Benefits for members include, but are not limited to:


1. Members only script and audio file of each show.

1. 會員專屬每期節目之文稿和音頻文件

 2. Members only behind the scenes stories, photos and videos.

2. 會員專屬幕後故事、照片和視頻。

3. Members can submit questions and subject suggestions for me to answer or to do programs on. And I will do live Q and A after enough questions are submitted. 

3. 會員可以提交問題或話題建議,讓我回答或做節目。在攢夠足夠的問題,我將做直播爲會員解答。

4. First 50 members can get a free signed copy of Magnifissance magazine with me featured as the cover story!

4.前50名會員可得到免費的、由我簽名的《Magnifissance 品味》雜誌,此期雜誌的封面故事關於我的經歷。

 I started my channel “Inconvenient Truths” in April last year, during the peak of the COVID19 pandemic to tell the truth about the virus, about China, the Chinese Communist Party and the world. 

去年4月,在中共病毒大流行高峰期,我開通了英文頻道 「Inconvenient Truths」,來向西人講述關於病毒、中國、中共和世界的真相。

Since then I’ve created hundreds of videos, and the feedback is overwhelmingly positive and encouraging. Some say I have saved an astronomical number of lives, some say I am key in making this world a better place, some say my life is a gift to the world, some say the information I offer is always ahead of mainstream media, etc. 


The most encouraging feedback I got is from a Teddy bear maker in Alaska. Because she learned the truth about the pandemic from me early enough, she was able to move faster than others, and turned her factory into a fabric mask maker before everyone was rushing to buy masks. And this has made a world of difference for both her and her employees!


However, unfortunately, because of the big tech companies’ censorship and suppression, the impact I am making is still limited, and I always struggle to cover costs so that I can survive.  The views of my videos suddenly  dropped by almost 90% since January this year, and the number of my subscribers almost stopped growing at all. 


Therefore, in order to spread the truth, to fight back against big tech, I do need your support. 


 Please sign up or make a donation so that more people can be helped through your generosity. 


We are living in an unprecedented time in a fast changing world. And Truth does matter. 


Sign up or donate. I do count on you. Thank you so much on behalf of all my audience!



Truth saves lives. Please support! 👇  真相能救命,敬請支持!👇

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 🌺Bitcoin 捐款:bc1qlkkvwyvw96x3xx6jgzkhlnnv0nv3d9vm078vfd

 ㊙️Website 網站:

 ㊙️English YouTube Channel 英文油管頻道:

 ㊙️Chinese YouTube Channel 中文油管頻道:


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 👉Jennifer’s Bio 曾錚簡歷:

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