All tagged Nine Commentaries of Chinese Communist Party
Therefore, it is completely unnecessary to worry about who can lead China without the CCP. A China without the CCP will surely regain its vitality, just like a sick person who was suddenly cured. 擔心「沒有了共產黨,誰來領導中國」,就跟擔心一個多年臥床不起的人,沒有了病還會不會生活了一樣,完全是杞人憂天。
As it nears death, this Communist evil cult is accelerating the pace of its corruption and degeneration. What is most troublesome is that it is stubbornly doing what it can to take the Chinese nation with it into an abyss of corruption and degeneration.
Dear President, if I really have the chance to meet you, apart from the above, this is what I would also like to say to you: