Ten Benefits of “Taking Back Taiwan”, By CCP’s Top Strategist & Why Should Everyone Watch It?
Hello, everyone, welcome to “Inconvenient Truths”. I am your host Jennifer Zeng.
Recently the tension in the Taiwan Strait is escalating. People are asking: Is WWIII coming? Well, today let me share with you some exclusive content that I found and translated, to give more food for your thoughts. Maybe you can draw your own conclusion after watching the videos I am going to play for you.
Xi Jinping Vows to “Reunify” Taiwan
First of all, let’s watch Xi Jinping’s speech at the event commemorating the 110th anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution in Beijing, on Oct. 9. By the way, the Xinhai Revolution is also called the 1911 Revolution. It happened in 1911, when China's last imperial dynasty, the Qing dynasty, ended. It led to the establishment of the Republic of China, which was the first democratic republic in Asia. The real Republic of China is in Taiwan now. But the CCP always commemorates the 1911 Revolution too, to pretend that the CCP is the legitimate successor of the 1911 Revolution.
In order to save time, I have sped up Xi Jinping’s speech , so his voice may sound a little weird.
OK, I think everybody has understood his messages loud and clear. He is dead set on 'reunifying Taiwan', and anyone who is in his way will be eliminated.
Chinese Military Conducted Amphibious Drills Near Taiwan
Right after Xi Jinping's speech, on Oct 12, the official website of the CCP’s Ministry of National Defense released a video of the CCP’s army PLA’s beach landing and assault drills in Fujian Province.
Now let’s watch this video together.
At the end of another video, they have a PLA commander saying that this drill has given the PLA a real war environment to test their beach landing combat capabilities, etc.
It is not clear when this drill was done. But the fact that the official website of the CCP’s Ministry of National Defense released it only several days after Xi Jinping’s speech makes it very clear that the CCP army wants to strengthen Xi’s speech with some real muscles.
Military and Police Officers Highlighted As Xi Jinping’s Audience
There is another thing to be noticed. Let’s see a screenshot from the video we just played:
So you can see these are police officers sitting in the audience.
There are also soldiers in the audience. Let’s see this picture, also captured from the CCTV’s report.
You can see those who are dressed in white color uniforms are from the CCP’s navy forces.
These are also PLA officers.
From the uniforms we can see that the PLA's navy, air and ground forces, as well as armed police are all in the audience.
And the CCTV especially shows close up shots of these PLA officers in the audience for the entire world to see.
As far as I am concerned, there was no mention of military personnel attending the same kind of event during the 90th anniversary in 2001 or the 100th anniversary event in 2011. This is the first time that we saw military personnel attending this kind of event.
So what are the messages the CCP wants to give to the world?
Ten Benefits of ‘Taking Back’ Taiwan
Yesterday I spent the entire day translating a 10 minute speech by CCP’s top national advisor, Professor Jin Canrong, who is the deputy dean of the School of International Studies, Deputy Director of the Center for American Studies of Renmin University of China.
Chinese people all know that Renmin University of China means People’s University of China, and it specializes in training high level officials and cadres for the CCP. So it is a very important university.
The reason that I chose to translate his full speech on the “ten benefits” of “taking back Taiwan” is that through his speech, we can see what is on the CCP and Xi Jinping’s mind. Some people might dismiss his speech as nonsense, but, the problem is, Xi Jinping might think the same, so we’d better learn how they think to know how they may act later.
So, let’s play and talk about his “ten benefits” one by one.
A lot of commentators have talked about the same point regarding how the so-called “First Island Chain” matters to the CCP as they need direct access to the Pacific Ocean.
So this is a map of the “First Island Chain”. The red line represents this chain, which has played a very important role during and after WWII in terms of blocking the CCP.
So the CCP of course wants to break this chain by occupying Taiwan.
Now, let’s go to benefit 2.
So this “One hundred years of Humiliation”, or “Century of Humiliation”, has always been THE most important talking point for the CCP to incite blind nationalism, as it is almost the last straw the CCP can hold on to, to justify its rule in China.
Michael Pillsbury, a China expert, has discussed this “One hundred years of Humiliation” mentality in detail in his book , “The Hundred-Year Marathon: China's Secret Strategy to Replace America as the Global Superpower”. So if you are interested in learning more, please get a copy of that book and read it.
Now, let’s go to benefit 3.
This one is very short, but very important for us to understand why “unifying Taiwan” is so important for Xi Jinping.
Xi obviously wants to establish and leave behind his own legacy, one that is as great as Chairman Mao’s . If Mao had established the “New China”, what can Xi Jinping do to be as great as Chairman Mao? Perhaps “taking back Taiwan” is his only choice.
Now, benefit 4.
Did you notice? He said the “War to Resist the US Aggression and Aid Korea” was a war that founded our nation. The CCP also calls the Korean War fought between North Korea and South Korea from 1950 to 1953 the “War to Resist the US Aggression and Aid Korea”. And it always tells Chinese people if we had not sent troops to fight against the American invaders, our dear motherland China would have been occupied by Americans long ago, and Chinese people would have all become slaves of Americans, so everybody in China now should thank the CCP and Chairman Mao for preventing that from happening.
Recently the CCP released a magnificent movie to glorify that war.
Let’s see a picture, or a poster of that movie, which is called “The Battle at Lake Changjin”. Lake Changjin is the Chinese way of saying it. In the US, it is called “Lake Nagatsu”.
Let’s see a few pictures that are captured from the trailer of the movie. So they really invested a lot into this movie, to show that it is a hard war, and a Great War fought by the CCP army to win war, to resist the "US Aggression".
Although the truth of that war is, the North Korea invaded the South Korea, and the US army got involved as part of the UN force, and the CCP’s army suffered 10 times more casualties, and thousands of their soldiers were actually frozen to death because the CCP didn’t give them warm clothes, and just sent them to Korea to die, all these facts didn’t stop the CCP from glorifying the war as its “founding war” for CCP’s new China.
Thousands of CCP soldiers were frozen to death during the Korean War.
So, Xi Jinping needs something similar, to glorify himself too.
The new movie “The Battle at Lake Changjin” was just released during the CCP’s National Day holiday, but it was so hot that it broke the record of box office revenue. On its second day of release, that was, on Oct. 1, it broke the single-day box office record in China, reaching 389 million yuan. One week later, on Oct 8, the revenue reached 3.492 billion yuan.
So that’s how popular this movie is. I heard schools are asking parents to take their children to the movie and take pictures of them inside the cinemas to prove that they have watched the movie. So this is a brainwashing movie of the CCP.
Brainwashing or not, what we should be concerned about is: Why did the CCP spend so much money to create such a movie and release it now?
Now, let’s go to benefit 5 of Jin Canrong’s speech.
Did you notice the applause of the audience after he says that we can immediately nationalize TSMC after we take back Taiwan?
TSMC is Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, it is producing 56% of chips for the world, and is worth more than $565 billion. It is the 10th most valuable company in the world.
In the meantime, one of the CCP’s most important companies Huawei couldn’t even make a new smartphone after the US cut chip supplies to it.
See the difference? So, the CCP really does have one more motivation to invade Taiwan.
Now, benefit six.
So, from this, we can see that what the CCP fears about Taiwan is Taiwan’s democracy and freedom.
You know, when the CCP fools people, it always says that the quality, education level, or whatever level of Chinese people is too low, or the national character of Chinese people is not suitable for democracy. But people would ask, how about Taiwan? Taiwan has the same Chinese culture, and the same Chinese people, why is Taiwan suitable for democracy but mainland China is not?
So in this sense Taiwan will always be a thorn in the CCP’s side. That’s another reason why the CCP wants to eliminate Taiwan’s democracy and freedom.
Now, benefit 7.
The reason he gives out is that 90% of telecommunication fraud is committed by Taiwanese. I don’t know how true this argument is, maybe he just wants to make the benefit numbers to 10, so he puts this one there too.
Now, Benefit 8.
So his arguments are, in order to “liberate Taiwan”, the CCP has to build a lot of military bases along the coastline, after Taiwan is conquered, the CCP can move all these bases to the east of Taiwan, so China’s economy won’t be affected.
He also says that flights in the southeast coast area in China are often delayed, and 70% of the delays are caused by military reasons. Because the military aircrafts need to fly, civil flights have to wait.
He also says that after we take over Taiwan, we can have our aircrafts fly to Japan and Australia's directions everyday to do exercises, and let their flights be delayed.
Now, benefit 9.
I must say I was a little surprised about how frank he was when he admitted that the CCP has to pay 30 billion yuan, or about $4.65 billion every year to bribe those African countries for them to say we support one China policy, and Taiwan is part of China, etc.
So of course this is a big financial burden for the CCP.
Now, the 10th, and last benefit.
Now, that is another rare admission from a CCP guy about the CCP’s ambition to become the “new boss” of the world.
The CCP has a very famous term to describe all important battles, and the term in Chinese is 你死我活, which means you die, I survive, or you die, I live on. So in the CCP’s eyes, the game is always about “you die, I survive”.
And I really want every politician in the world, especially from western countries to watch how this CCP guy describes them as “very snobbish, very practical”, “opportunist countries without principles, they will run after whoever is the boss.”
To be frank, I kind of agree with this CCP guy in this argument of his. If we look back at the history of the past several decades, we will find that what this guy says has a lot of truth in it. Haven’t many politicians, elites acted exactly like “very snobbish, very practical opportunists without principles”?
To be able to make money in China, they don’t care about principles. I think now everybody in the world is paying a price because of this.
So that’s why I think everybody should watch this video.
Now, the ending part of his speech:
So this is his conclusion. He is trying to tell Xi Jinping, now we’ve accumulated enough power, enough strength. Now it’s time for us to display our will to use this power, once and for all, to achieve our last, great strategic goal.
Well, according to the Chinese characters on his computer, this speech was done in Taiyuan City in China, probably on Aug 22, and was one of the series lectures called “Beautiful Life Shared with 10K Families”. Reports about that event have been deleted from the Chinese websites.
When I did the translation yesterday, the reports were still there. Maybe after I translated this video, and released both the video and the English and Chinese scripts of his speech, the CCP thinks too many national secrets were exposed, so they deleted the reports.
By the way, the entire 10 minute video of Jin Canrong’s speech is on my another channel called “Inconvenient Truths: First Hand from China”. So you can go there to watch the entire video if you want to.
If you want to save time, you can go to my website at jenniferzengblog.com, jenniferzengblog, one word, .com to read the transcript, both in English and China languages of his speech.
Well, that’s all for today. If you like my content, please do subscribe to and share my channel. Please also like my videos and leave some comments to let me know what you think.
Thank you very much. See you next time!
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