[A] hair-raising first-person look at China’s brutal concentration camps…
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[A] hair-raising first-person look at China’s brutal concentration camps…
Witnessing History is a powerful and moving account of one woman’s escape from persecution, providing a fascinating insight into life in modern-day China, and into a little understood yet widely practised belief system. This is the first time a Chinese Falun Gong practitioner has shared their story, bearing witness to an important period of history that is still unfolding.
You are a sweet and strong lovely person....It is hard to get both in one person...
Yes, China has many darker sides which the CCP has been working very hard to conceal. The most shocking "new discovery" is the live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in various labour camps in China. The following is the letter I wrote to President Bush yesterday.
作者曾錚應「墨爾本中國問題研究小組」和墨爾本市中心最大的書 店Dymocks之邀赴墨爾本舉行演講及簽名售書活動,促成該書出版的幾個關鍵人物也齊集Dymocks,與曾錚一起向近七十名讀者細說成書經歷。
Author Jennifer Zeng opens the coffin of Communist rule, releasing the stench of a totalitarian regime’s rotting remains
After they are all saved, your name will forever be written in history.
Her description of abuse and torture, including electric-shock treatment, constitutes an often harrowing, powerful reminder of what can happen when government power runs unchecked.
The world is looking for man and women who will neither be bought nor sold; who will stand for the truth though the whole heavens fall