Still Water Runs Deep - A world first exposé of the truth behind the persecution of Falun Gong
If you have ever read Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago, in which the tyranny of the Soviet proletariat was exposed in great detail, you will again be taken to familiar ground, through Zheng Zeng’s personal experiences in Still Water Runs Deep, in the so-called re-education through labour camps in China. Here, reminiscent of, but no less horrific than, the Stalinist or Nazi concentration camps, unfold stories of bloody terror when the systematic destruction of the human spirits occurs.
Still Water Runs Deep is the autobiography of a beautiful and brilliant young woman. It is a harrowing account of her life journey after becoming a practitioner of Falun Gong. Zeng was detained three times by the authorities, eventually thrown into jail and forced into exile. Her story exposes the brutality of the crackdown against Falun Gong by the Jiang regime and its tragic consequences. But more importantly, Zeng hopes her experiences, and what she has gained from her experiences, will encourage readers to go on to deeply ponder the significance of such tribulations stemming from maintaining one’s true spiritual conviction and help them develop the right perspective on the historical significance of this momentous event.
This is a world-first exposé of the truth behind the persecution of Falun Gong,. Why has it taken so long for someone to come forward with her own story? The persecution of tens of millions of peaceful and innocent Chinese citizens outweighs even the Nazi concentration camps in its brutality, so why hasn’t the truth come to light before this? Why were Falun Gong practitioner Lin Xiaoshuen’s first words to his wife, as mentioned in the book, after being released from detention in China as a result of rescue efforts from the outside: “Can I trust you?” Why does one lose all trust for everything and everyone around them after falling victim to such persecution? Why does a belief based on the principles of ‘Truth, Compassion and Forbearance’ become the target of a vigorous Cultural Revolution-like persecution?
Zheng Zeng, in Still Water Runs Deep, provides the answers by relating her own life experience of the persecution.
Born in 1966 in Szechuan Province, China into an intellectual family, Zeng was highly intelligent and, after graduating from Beijing University and becoming happily married, went on to a promising career, joining the burgeoning elite group of young professionals in China. Her life took a dramatic turn in 1997 when she started practising Falun Gong, initially to improve her ill health, which resulted from contracting Hepatitis C in a post-natal medical incident. In 2000, after her email was intercepted by the authorities, she was charged by the Chinese government with the ‘crime’ of “using the Internet to bring justice to Falun Gong” and was subsequently jailed. Zeng was amongst the first batch of Falun Gong practitioners in Beijing to be sent to a labour-education centre.
Cover of Still Water Runs Deep