A Photographic Reproduction of the Sistine Chapel Ceiling 米開郎斯羅西斯廷天頂畫四分之一微縮仿製圖

A Photographic Reproduction of the Sistine Chapel Ceiling 米開郎斯羅西斯廷天頂畫四分之一微縮仿製圖

This video was shot by Jennifer at the " Michelangelo Divine Draftsman & Designer exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York", on Dec 31, 2017.

此視頻爲曾錚在紐約大都會藝術博物館「米開郞基羅:與神相連的繪圖者及設計者」藝術展(Michelangelo Divine Draftsman & Designer)上拍攝,並加音樂剪輯的。


This is a photographic reproduction, at one-quarter scale, of the Sistine Chapel ceiling in the Vatican Palace, which Michelangelo painted in the difficult medium of fresco between 1508 and 1512. Both of his commissions from Pope Julius II, the Sistine ceiling frescoes and the pontiff’s marble tomb, rely on a similar concept of figures populating an architectural framework. Conceiving the design for the ceiling's monumental surface area, about 1,754 square feet, would have demanded a herculean effort. 

In the final frescoes, as seen above, Michelangelo designed an illusionistic framework simulating white marble that contains, along the central spine of the vault, rectangular narrative scenes from the Book of Genesis. Around the perimeter are Prophets alternating with Sibyls (female prophets). Pairs of seated Ignudi (athletic nude youths) flank fictively painted bronze medallions depicting historical events from the Book of Maccabees. The four corners represent episodes in the deliverance of the Jewish people from mortal dangers. In the lower realms are the Ancestors of Christ in the order given by the Gospel of Matthew.

Tree & Lake 愛此湖山好 流光正徘徊

Tree & Lake 愛此湖山好 流光正徘徊

