My Quick Thoughts on China's Proposal to Scrap Presidential Term Limit 

My Quick Thoughts on China's Proposal to Scrap Presidential Term Limit 

China's Communist Party plans to eliminate presidential term limits and thus pave the way for Xi Jinping to stay in office and solidify control over the world's most populous country have drawn a lot of attention from both inside and outside out China. People started to worry that this will make things worse in China. Rumor also has it that the number of people searching for "migrating to other countries" on Baidu, China's own version of Google, has increased sharply within hours after the news was announced.
As far as I am concerned, there is nothing more or less to worry. This won't make things worse or better in China. 
Why is it so? Let's not forget the fact that whether there is a presidential term limit or not, ordinary Chinese citizens, and even ordinary Communist Party members, have never had any say as to who can be the leader of the party or the country. 
Ever since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) took power in 1949, the transition of power has forever been a "mysterious and dark" process. Only a handful people at the very top knew how the next leader was selected(NOT elected!). There is no democracy whatsoever even within the party. The party itself is an evil cult and a sinister gang.  Let's not make ourselves look like a fool by becoming "alarmed" by this latest "development".
As long as the CCP is still there, China won't behave like the rest of the world. So there is nothing to be surprised at. Let's focus our efforts on how to help the Chinese people to get rid of the CCP instead. 
Again, before the CCP is gone, let's not regard or treat it as if it were something similar to things in the civilized world. It is NOT. Period. 

中共國取消主席任期限制 有啥好驚慌的?

中共國取消主席任期限制 有啥好驚慌的?

