All tagged Chinese Communist Party

Commentary 7: On the Chinese Communist Party's History of Killing

In its long history of killing, the CCP has metamorphosed itself into a depraved serial killer. Through killing, it satisfies its perverted sense of the ultimate power of deciding people’s life and death. Through killing, it eases its own innermost fear. Through killing, it suppresses social unrest and dissatisfaction caused by its earlier murders. Today, the compounded bloody debts of the CCP have made a benevolent solution impossible. It can only rely on intense pressure and totalitarian rule to maintain its existence until its final moment. Despite occasionally disguising itself through redressing its murder victims, the CCP’s bloodthirsty nature has never changed. It will be even less likely to change in the future.

Commentary 5: On the Collusion of Jiang Zemin and the Chinese Communist Party to Persecute Falun Gong

The collusion between the CCP and Jiang Zemin has tied their fates together. Falun Gong is now suing Jiang Zemin. The day Jiang is brought to justice, the fate of the CCP will be self-evident.
Heavenly principles will not tolerate those who conduct inhumane persecution against a group of good people that follow “Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance.” The evil actions of Jiang Zemin and the CCP will also become a perpetual and profound lesson for mankind.

Commentary 3: On the Tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party

Looking at world affairs, we often ask who determines whether a state will prosper or disappear, even though we know that the rise and fall of a nation has its reasons. When the CCP is gone, we can expect that peace and harmony will return to China. People will return to being truthful, benevolent, humble, and tolerant, and the nation will again care for the people’s basic needs, and all professions will prosper.