Mission Statement from "Free China: the Courage to Believe"

Mission Statement from "Free China: the Courage to Believe"

With over 1.3 billion people, how quickly China can free itself from the legacy of a brutal Communist dictatorship, may be one of the important questions of our times.

Our goals are simple:

1) to create awareness and educate people about the widespread human rights violations that still exist in China in today, inflicted by the Chinese Communist Party on hundreds of millions of Falun Gong practitioners, Christians and other suppressed groups including mothers who are forced to have abortions due to the one child policy

2) to inspire citizens of goodwill inside and outside of China to make a difference by simply spreading the word through all means possible that greater freedoms (including freedom of speech and religion) are critical for the economic, cultural and political development of China and the rest of the world

Watch the movie: http://freechina.ntdtv.org



 Michelangelo Studies for Christ in a Composition of the Pieta 米開郞基羅「聖殤」手稿

Michelangelo Studies for Christ in a Composition of the Pieta 米開郞基羅「聖殤」手稿