"I Held My Parents' Photos, Cried and Cried until I Fell Asleep" 「我抱著父母的照片 一直哭到睡著過去」

"I Held My Parents' Photos, Cried and Cried until I Fell Asleep" 「我抱著父母的照片 一直哭到睡著過去」

"I held my parents' photos, cried and cried until I fell asleep."


This was the most heart-wrenching sentence I heard during yesterday's refugee application interview of a young fellow Falun Gong practitioner.  Both her parents were arrested and detained in 1999, and she was left home alone as a 10 year old little girl.


She was very calm when she said this, but I had a very hard time trying to hold back my tears. As a translator for this interview, I knew I had to stay calm and "neutral".  So I finally did hold my tears.

她以非常平靜的語氣和聲調說出了這句話,也許,多年的孤獨與痛苦,已將她打造得異常堅強。 但我卻好不容易才忍住自己幾乎已經要奪眶而出的眼淚——我要是哭了,還怎麼做翻譯呀?

She reminded me of my own daughter, who was three years younger. When I was arrested for the first time in 1999, also for practicing Falun Gong,  my daughter was only 7 years old.


When I was arrested for the first time in 1999, also for practicing Falun Gong,  my daughter was only 7 years old. 她也讓我想起自己的女兒。我99年第一次因修煉法輪功被抓時,她才七歲。她是怎麼熬過來的?

When I was arrested for the first time in 1999, also for practicing Falun Gong,  my daughter was only 7 years old. 她也讓我想起自己的女兒。我99年第一次因修煉法輪功被抓時,她才七歲。她是怎麼熬過來的?

It is very hard to know how many kids have suffered unspeakable pain because of the persecution of Falun Gong, nor is it possible to "calculate" to what extent they have suffered. 


How evil, and how unnecessary this persecution has been!



A young Falun Dafa practitioner(probably in Vietnam. (who has nothing to do with this article) 一名(可能是越南)的法輪功小弟子(與本文無關)在讀《轉法輪》。

A young Falun Dafa practitioner(probably in Vietnam. (who has nothing to do with this article) 一名(可能是越南)的法輪功小弟子(與本文無關)在讀《轉法輪》。

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