Michelangelo Study for a Crucifixion with Mourning Figures 米開郞基羅耶穌受難圖手稿

Michelangelo Study for a Crucifixion with Mourning Figures 米開郞基羅耶穌受難圖手稿


Michelangelo Fragment with Study for Christ on the Cross 米開郞基羅「十字架上的耶穌」手稿碎片
At Michelangelo Divine Draftsman & Designer exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Dec 31, 2017

2017年12月31日攝於紐約大都會藝術博物館「米開郞基羅:與神相連的繪圖者及設計者」藝術展(Michelangelo Divine Draftsman & Designer)。

Michelangelo Fragment with Study for Christ on the Cross 米開郞基羅「十字架上的耶穌」手稿碎片

Michelangelo Fragment with Study for Christ on the Cross 米開郞基羅「十字架上的耶穌」手稿碎片

Seeking the Way 步虛歌

Seeking the Way 步虛歌