Jennifer’s Photo Stories (8) 曾錚的圖片故事(8)
It took about 9 or 10 years for my parents to move together after they married in 1965. People in the West can hardly understand how tightly everything was controlled in China. People don’t have the freedom to move. Although my father was relocated to a remote town as a punishment for being a “black pawn of reactionary capitalist-roader” during the “Great Cultural Revolution”, my mother still wasn’t allowed to join him. I guess this was another form of punishment. For 9 or 10 years, my family struggled in two different places.
So, ever since I took a photo with my parents, my grandparents and two uncles when I was five( ), I hadn’t taken any other photos in several years. And the first photo after that one was this one with my two sisters, when I was already 8 or 9 years old. This means that our family had not been living together until then, when my youngest sister was already 2 or 3 years old.
也因此,自我5歲那年與父母、外公外婆及兩個舅舅照過一張合影之後( ),幾年之內再無其他照片。這是那張照片之後的第一張,照片中的我已經八、九歲了吧,我最小的妹妹也已經兩、三歲了。直到那時我父母才終於調動到一起,一家五口才開始一起在漢旺鎮荒涼的河灘上建的臨時簡易房中過活。
For the full version of Jennifer’s story, please click here:
3/16/2017 **
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