All tagged Photo Stories

The Behind-the-Scenes Story of the Celebration in Tiananmen Square 天安門慶典後的「祕密」

We were so excited and felt so lucky. We just started school in time for such a big event, and also get an extra opportunity to go to Tiananmen Square, which we had longed for since childhood!


Jennifer’s Photo Stories (22) 曾錚的圖片故事(22)

Therefore, from then on, I have stopped my 15-year-long “tradition” of taking birthday photos. So, these two are the last ones that you’ll see.  在精神世界獲得那樣大的提升和飛躍之後,這個「臭皮囊」上發生的什麼事一下子變得那麼的無足輕重,我自然而然也就中斷了已經堅持十五年的拍生日照的「傳統」。所以這兩張,就這樣成了「絕版」。