Jennifer's Photo Stories (19) 曾錚的圖片故事(19)

Jennifer's Photo Stories (19) 曾錚的圖片故事(19)

My Pet Rabbits and Sweater 兔子與毛衣

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Enjoying a sunny afternoon beside the Unnamed Lake of Peking University with my two pet rabbits. How did I manage to keep them from running away? Just tied them together. They did try very hard to run away; but as they always ran in different directions, so they ended up going nowhere, haha. 


By the way, the sweater I was wearing was designed and hand knitted by myself. I fell in love with knitting sweaters during the last six months at my university, when we had virtually no classes as everyone was preparing for the entrance examination for graduate school. I didn't need to sit the examinations as I had already been admitted by the graduate school of Peking University without examinations due to my VERY outstanding academic performance. Only two students had this honor.


However, ten years later, I was sent to the Beijing Female Labor Camp for practicing Falun Gong. Apart from being shocked by electric batons, kicked and beaten up by the police and other criminals, we were also forced to hand knit all sorts of sweaters which were to be exported to foreign countries. The workload was so heavy that I even dared not wash my hands after using the restroom as I couldn’t afford to waste even one minute on hand washing.

If you have ever bought a hand-knitted sweater made in China, they might have probably been knitted by people like me with blood and tears; and without any payment!


Anyway, after being released from the labor camp, I would never, ever, hand-knit any sweaters.


7/14/2017 **

Read all 閱讀《曾錚的圖片故事》全系列

Click here for info about where to read or buy Jennifer''s book in English and Chinese, as well as where to watch the award-winning documentary based on Jennifer's story: "Free China: The Courage to Believe"


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 👉Jennifer’s Bio 曾錚簡歷:

Somewhere in Hong Kong 香港一瞥

Somewhere in Hong Kong 香港一瞥

Making a Speech 「爲了這一天,我走了多少路!」

Making a Speech 「爲了這一天,我走了多少路!」