We were so excited and felt so lucky. We just started school in time for such a big event, and also get an extra opportunity to go to Tiananmen Square, which we had longed for since childhood!
All tagged 圖片故事
We were so excited and felt so lucky. We just started school in time for such a big event, and also get an extra opportunity to go to Tiananmen Square, which we had longed for since childhood!
She didn’t know that I was chased by the police. She thought I was taking her out to have a good time together. 我並沒有告訴女兒,我不在家呆,是爲了躲避警察,所以她以爲我是帶她出來度假的。
Silent, feel...the pain <<心冷傷痕透>> Tear drops in...the flame <<淚火焰中流>>
To this day I still don't know whether I should or should out shout out loudly to the Prime Minister to ask the question on behalf of Sarah Matheson. 直到今天,我仍然想不好,我當時是叫出來好呢,還是不叫出來的好?
The beautiful scenery failed to impress me, as I was in a very bad mood. 我帶著超標的轉氨酶,和一顆沉甸甸的心遊歷了黃山。
“I found universal truths,” I said slowly and clearly, looking him straight in the eye. 看著他的眼,一字一句告訴他:「我看到了宇宙的真理。」
For me, the time spent on learning how to type both English and Chinese in professional ways is perhaps one of the best "investments" I have ever made. 冥冥之中的「盲目」的,其實並不「盲目」……
Therefore, from then on, I have stopped my 15-year-long “tradition” of taking birthday photos. So, these two are the last ones that you’ll see. 在精神世界獲得那樣大的提升和飛躍之後,這個「臭皮囊」上發生的什麼事一下子變得那麼的無足輕重,我自然而然也就中斷了已經堅持十五年的拍生日照的「傳統」。所以這兩張,就這樣成了「絕版」。
If I were a flower, I had started “anticipating” my withering and falling even before I fully blossomed. 正如一朵還未開放,就開始預想著自己何時會凋零的花朵一樣,內心無比敏感柔弱。
And that was also the reason why today we end up seeing these two photos of mine with such different expressions. 從這個意義上來說,這兩張表情迥異的臉,就是被人性被撕裂的外在體現吧!
They did try very hard to run away; but as they always ran to different directions, so they ended up going nowhere. 雖然它們都各自想拼命逃竄,但因目標不一致,所以永遠互相牽扯,永遠在原地打轉。
This kind of look had never been in her eyes before. 她眼中的這種眼神,在我被關押之前,從未有過。
This photo of my daughter and me was taken in May 2001, about one month after I was released from Beijing Female Labor Camp. 這張我和女兒的照片攝於2001年5月。當時我剛從北京女子勞教所被釋放一個月左右。
There was a terrified, startled and puzzled look in my daughter’s eyes, as well on her face. 剛剛八歲的她,眼睛中有一種以前從未有過的驚恐、不安和怯生——在我被送入勞教所之前,她不曾有過這種眼神和表情。
Dead silence again. Nobody dared to say “yes”; nobody dared to say “no”.我呢?表現得完全正常,甚至變得更加外向、更加活躍活潑,更加愛笑了,有時會笑得很大聲、很誇張。
I guess it was because it was very important to belong to the "right" class of the society in those days. 也許,在潛意識中,我想看起來能像一個「勞動人民」。
Once upon a time, you needed a “certificate”, or a permit, or a “special ticket” to buy virtually everything in China.游泳票上寫著的「36/417」是什麼意思?在學生年代,這就是密祕,不能說的。
My Quarterly Pass for Temple of Heaven Park in Beijing-And My Happy and Painful Memories/我的天壇公園季度票以及一段幸福而痛苦的記憶