
By Gerard Traub


Skies of vaulted blue

traversing oceans aflame

waves roaring against the silence.

Where waters swell

surrender to the shore

then stretch to the

farthest horizon.


Skin and sun glistens

under a summer’s light

sands ever sparse to the eye.

As bodies race 

for some dappled shade

the clamour of children

and endless play resides.


Concrete and glass

stand sentinel at a distance

as sails of white billow and fade.

While flags fly unison

to a gathering cloud

gulls hover for a morsel

wings and their shadows pervade.


Walls to castles

built before the hour

upon a whim and another kingdom falls.

Beyond tides temporal

one glimpse of eternity

come wider worlds 

where our hearts are called.

Jennifer’s Photo Stories (16) 曾錚的圖片故事(16)

Jennifer’s Photo Stories (16) 曾錚的圖片故事(16)

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