Quote of My Daughter(16) 女兒語錄(16)
On April 4, 2004, exactly the third anniversary of my release from the labor camp, and after the Australian government granted me refugee status, I was finally joined by my 11-year-old daughter, who traveled alone via a third country from Beijing to Sydney. Her father dared not travel with her, fearing that if he got stopped at the custom, our daughter could also be stopped. So he decided to have her travel alone to ensure that she could leave without safely causing unnecessary attention from the authorities.
Jennifer joined by her 11-year-old daughter at the Sydney International Airport on April 4, 2004, the third anniversary of her release from the labor camp. 2004年4月4日,經過三年的分離,曾錚在悉尼國際機場與11歲的女兒團聚。
After signing the “receipt” paper of “unaccompanied minor service” to acknowledge her safe arrival, I led her to the car. As soon as we sat in, she immediately said, “Mom, let me tell you a joke.” Then she started telling me endless jokes until we arrived at our apartment, where several friends were waiting and preparing food for us to celebrate our reunion.
Jennifer joined by her 11-year-old daughter at the Sydney International Airport on April 4, 2004, the third anniversary of her release from the labor camp. 2004年4月4日,經過三年的分離,曾錚在悉尼國際機場與11歲的女兒團聚。
One friend asked, “Did you cry?” She thought we should have cried a lot after a heart-breaking three years’ separation. I said, “No, we have been laughing all the way.” Then my daughter started telling more jokes to entertain our guests.
2/11/2017 *
Jennifer signing the “receipt” paper of “unaccompanied minor service” to acknowledge her daughter’s safe arrival 曾錚從航空人員手中「簽收」獨自飛抵悉尼的女兒。
Jennifer joined by her 11-year-old daughter at the Sydney International Airport on April 4, 2004, the third anniversary of her release from the labor camp. 2004年4月4日,經過三年的分離,曾錚在悉尼國際機場與11歲的女兒團聚。