Thank you all for being with us, supporting us and enduring everything together with us. 我將此系列文章獻給我的女兒,和所有法輪功學員的孩子和家人。謝謝你們與我們一起走過艱難的歲月,支持我們,爲我們承受,替我們分擔。
All tagged 女兒語錄
Thank you all for being with us, supporting us and enduring everything together with us. 我將此系列文章獻給我的女兒,和所有法輪功學員的孩子和家人。謝謝你們與我們一起走過艱難的歲月,支持我們,爲我們承受,替我們分擔。
At that stage my heart ached with so many different feelings; and I couldn't help but crying and interrupting her...當時我的心都要碎了,含淚打斷她說……
Again to my surprise, she read through all these articles.由於《解體黨文化》也是很長,很沉重,我本來也是沒指望14歲的女兒能把它讀下來。再次讓我吃驚的是,她從頭到尾讀完了。
In her eyes there was always an eager expectation, as if she was saying with her eyes...發傳單時,她的眼神中充滿期待,似乎在說……
“Rule #1/Mum Is Always Right./Rule #2/If Mum is wrong, see rule #1." 「規則1:媽媽永遠是對的。/規則2:如果媽媽錯了,請參看規則1。」
Instead, she said cheerfully with a lot of good humor, “This means that I have gotten into the mainstream society in advance!” 結果她不但沒有生氣,反而歡快地說:「這表示我已經提前融入主流社會了!」
So she started dictating the following to me for me to type it on the Quit CCP website 於是她給我口述了如下三退聲明:
Several months after she announced that she was now a Falun Dafa disciple, one day my daughter suddenly said to me...在女兒宣布她自己也是大法弟子幾個月之後,有一天她突然對我說……
Shortly after my daughter came to Sydney from Beijing, there was a period of time when she read a lot of ghosts books. She was very much scared, but somehow just wanted to read. 女兒從北京來悉尼後不久,有一段時間迷上了看鬼故事書,一邊一邊嚇得夠嗆。
One day she was browsing the internet while I was doing something else. Suddenly I heard she signed and said,”Alas! I felt so bad!” 有一天她在看電腦,我在幹別的。突然我聽到她嘆氣道:「我感覺真不好!」
Completely abashed and dumbfounded, my daughter’s mind went black for a few seconds. But she was quick to defend herself, “But my mom is!”女兒被這種反應驚呆了,一時不知說什麼好,愣了好半天才說:「但我媽媽是!」
My daughter replied with a very stern face, and in a very defensive tone, ”I don’t believe it at all!” 女兒板著臉說:「我才不信呢!」
As soon as we sat in, she immediately said, “Mom, let me tell you a joke.” 她一坐下就立刻說:「媽媽,我給你講個笑話吧。」
I was speechless. Coldly she said from the other end of the line, “Do you have anything else to say?”我說不出話來。她在電話那頭冷冷地問:「你還有事兒嗎?」
But she interrupted and shouted desperately at me, “I know you are a good person! But the television says Falun Gong practitioners are bad people! I don't know who to believe!”她打斷了我的話,絕望地向我喊道:「我知道媽媽是好人!可電視里說煉法輪功的都是壞人!我不知道該相信誰!……」
My daughter came to visit me a few months later. The moment she saw me she started talking intently...幾個月後她到勞教所來看我時,一見面就急切地告訴我……
My heart ached like it had been “bitten by a thousand snakes.”我的心象有一萬條毒蛇同時在咬一般地痛。
When my daughter was six, one day I overheard her talking to her grandma in the next room...女兒六歲時,有一天我聽見她在隔壁房間勸她奶奶說……
After returning home, I asked her, “What does the saying 'learning to be' mean?” 回家以後,我問她道:「你知道什麼叫『學會做人』嗎?」我想好了一個長篇演說辭,預備著向她發表。