A Historical Case and A Historical Win 歷史性勝利
Luke Brown(second from left on the front row) , an attorney representing Falun Dafa Association in Victoria, Australia, on a pro bono basis, and local Melbourne Falun Dafa practitioners in front of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) on December 2, 2003, after a hearing. The Falun Dafa Association in Victoria, Australia was suing the Melbourne City Council for not allowing Falun Gong practitioners to participate in the annual Moomba Parade and eventually won the case.
2003年12月2日,義務爲澳大利亞維省法輪大法協會辯護的律師布朗(Luke Brown)(前排左二)律師布朗與部分法輪功學員在澳洲維省民事及行政法庭前合影。當時維省法輪大法協會就墨爾本市政廳拒絕其參加當年3月的Moomba遊行一事訴墨市市政廳歧視,最終贏得此案,市政廳被判處需向法輪大法公開道歉。
Full report: Australia: Melbourne City Council Ordered to Publish An Open Apology to Local Falun Dafa Association
Luke Brown discussing the case with witnesses from local Falun Dafa Association. 律師布朗(Luke Brown)與法輪大法協會出庭證人交談
Luke Brown discussing the case with witnesses from local Falun Dafa Association. 律師布朗(Luke Brown)與法輪大法協會出庭證人交談