The World Remembers 勿忘「六四」 告別中共

The World Remembers 勿忘「六四」 告別中共

Jennifer giving a speech at the public rally in Sydney on June 4, 2005, to commemorate June 4th Tiananmen Massacre 曾錚2005年6月4日在悉尼「勿忘『六四』 告別中共」公衆集會上演講。

Jennifer giving a speech at the public rally in Sydney on June 4, 2005, to commemorate June 4th Tiananmen Massacre 曾錚2005年6月4日在悉尼「勿忘『六四』 告別中共」公衆集會上演講。

Witnessing History: A True Story of the Triumph of the Human Spirit

Witnessing History: A True Story of the Triumph of the Human Spirit

