Chapter 3: Mass Killing in the East

Chapter 3: Mass Killing in the East

Serialized translation of the book: "How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World"

By Editorial Team of "The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party"

June 7, 2018 11:30 am Last Updated: June 8, 2018 1:24 pm

The Epoch Times is serializing a translation from the Chinese of a new book, “How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World,” by the editorial team of “The Nine Commentaries on Communist Party.”

Table of Contents

1. The Violent Foundations of Communist Rule
I. Rise of the Soviet Communists
II. The Chinese Communist Party Seizes Power
2. The Treacherous Slaughter of the Working Class
I. Suppressing the Soviet Workers and Peasants
II. The CCP Follows the Soviet Model
3. The Absolute Brutality of the Communist Party
I. Atrocities of Soviet Communism
i. The Gulag, Inspiration for Hitler’s Death Camps
ii. Soviet Terror-Famine
iii. The Great Terror Turns on the Soviet Elite
II. Atrocities of the CCP
i. The Great Chinese Famine
ii. The Cultural Revolution’s Fanatical Slaughter and Cultural Genocide
iii. Unprecedented Evil: the Persecution of Falun Gong
4. Red Terror in Export



It has been fully one century since the Communist Party seized power in the Soviet Union. According to records compiled by the U.S. Congress, communist regimes were responsible for the deaths of at least 100 million people. [1] The Black Book of Communism details this history of murder. [2]

From documents declassified by the governments of nations in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, as well as official records on the victims of communist political campaigns in China and North Korea, the public has gained a good picture of the Communist Party’s addiction to killing.

Communist totalitarianism is often compared to that of the Nazis. While there are many parallels to be found, there is one crucial distinction that is often overlooked: The Nazis killed to eliminate the physical bodies of the Jewish people, but mere physical slaughter is far from the ultimate goal of communism.

The faithful do not consider physical demise to be one’s true death, since the soul goes to heaven or is born again in the cycle of reincarnation. The Communist Party uses killing as an instrument to plant the seeds of terror in the minds of the people, forcing them to accept its evil ideology. Through the destruction of morality, people’s souls are fated to damnation. The Communist Party aims not just to destroy man’s physical body, but also to destroy his soul.

An additional characteristic of the Communist Party is the intensity by which it carries out internal purges and selects for the cruelest of leaders. It is difficult for many to understand the rationale behind the barbarity inflicted by the Communist Party upon its own ranks, including those who became victims simply for deviating from the Party on specific issues, while being otherwise wholly loyal to the Party and its leadership.

One reason is that the Communist Party, in its rebellion against gods and humankind, possesses an instinctual fear that its doom is always around the corner. To reinforce itself, the Party needs to recruit individuals with no regard for moral right and wrong. These individuals are distinguished in the process of mass killing, and their elevation to positions of leadership enables the specter of communism to ensure the perpetuation of its earthly tyranny.

In 1989, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) cadres who refused to participate in the June 4th Massacre were purged. Jiang Zemin, who demonstrated his cruelty during the events, was promoted to become leader of the CCP. After Jiang began the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999, he promoted officials such as Luo Gan and Zhou Yongkang to high positions, as they demonstrated their ability to commit the most brutal crimes in the persecution.

Another motive for killing is to recruit participants from general society, as was done during the Cultural Revolution. By committing murder and other crimes, the masses implicated themselves as accomplices to the CCP’s savagery, and the most brutal perpetrators became the staunchest followers of the Party. Even today, many former Red Guards who committed assault and murder during the Cultural Revolution express no remorse for their crimes, saying that they have no regrets for the events of youth.

Furthermore, by killing its victims openly and deliberately, the Communist Party cows the general population into obedience.

All this allows us to expound a general principle: Throughout history, killing happened under tyrannical government or during times of war because there was an enemy to be defeated. It is the characteristic of the Communist Party that it must have an enemy, and if there are no enemies, it must invent them so that they can be killed.

In a country like China, with its long history and a rich culture, the Communist Party could not achieve its aims without continuous killing. Traditionally, the Chinese people believed in and revered the divine. Steeped in a cultural heritage of 5,000 years, the Chinese people would not otherwise tolerate the existence of the barbaric and blasphemous Communist Party. The CCP’s sole means of maintaining its rule, as learned from the Soviet trial run, is the use of mass murder.

1. The Violent Foundations of Communist Rule

Being the embodiment of an evil specter, communism’s starting point could not be anything other than dishonorable. After Marx proclaimed that “a specter is haunting Europe—the specter of communism,” bandits and ruffians established the Paris Commune, laying waste to the French capital and its unparalleled works of art and culture. In Russia and China, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) and the CCP seized power by despicable acts of conspiracy and bloodshed.

I. Rise of the Soviet Communists

In February 1917, food shortages and deteriorating work conditions drove Russian industrial workers into striking. As the turmoil spread across the country, Czar Nicholas II abdicated and the Russian Provisional Government was established. Learning of these events, Vladimir Lenin immediately returned to Russia from his exile in Switzerland and carried out a coup on November 7, 1917,  or October 25 by the traditional Julian calendar. In the October Revolution, Lenin overthrew the Provisional government and established the world’s first communist regime.

But in the democratic election for the Russian Constituent Assembly on January 5, 1918, the Party of Socialist Revolutionaries (SRs) won a plurality of national votes over Lenin’s Bolshevik Party, which controlled government administration. Out of an electorate of 44.4 million people, 40 percent voted for the SRs, with the Bolsheviks losing by a 20 percent margin.

After this setback, Lenin trampled on his promises and declared the Constituent Assembly an “enemy of the people.” Having prepared in advance to enact martial law on the day of the Assembly’s meeting in the Russian capital of Petrograd, the Bolsheviks mobilized troops and disbanded the Constituent Assembly by force, destroying the democratic process in Russia.

The October Revolution and subsequent Leninist takeover was the origin of all violent communist movements throughout the world in the 20th century. It triggered the international rise of communism and the countless catastrophes that followed.

II. The Chinese Communist Party Seizes Power

After 1917, when the Soviet Union was just established, it exported revolution to China by making use of the fact that the Republic of China had joined the Third Communist International, or Comintern.

The Bolsheviks dispatched Grigori Voitinsky to China to establish a local communist organization. Then it sent Mikhail Borodin to engineer an alliance between the Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang) and the Soviet Union. Under this arrangement, the nascent Chinese Communist Party was given opportunities for rapid growth by subverting the Kuomintang.

During World War II, in the eight years that the Kuomintang waged all-out war against the invading Japanese army, the CCP used the conflict as cover to expand its forces. When the Japanese invaded China, the Red Army was on the verge of defeat, but at the time of China’s victory, it boasted 1.32 million regular troops and a 2.6 million-strong militia force. Following Japan’s surrender, the CCP used the cover of peace talks with the Kuomintang to covertly expand its forces. Meanwhile, its diplomatic efforts led the United States and the Soviet Union to abandon their policies that supported the Nationalists. In 1949, the CCP finally defeated the Kuomintang government forces, founding the most evil totalitarian communist regime on earth.

At this high point in the history of the world communist movement, it controlled one-third of humanity and the world’s land area, as it comprised Russia and China, the world’s largest nations by size and population. Communist governments extended across large swaths of Europe and Asia, and many countries in Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia became clients or allies of the CPSU or CCP.

Countless people gave their lives on the battlefields of World War II, yet the unexpected result was the meteoric expansion of totalitarian communism.

2. The Treacherous Slaughter of the Working Class

From Marx’s theories to the rhetoric of the totalitarian communist regimes, all were replete with the principle of reliance on the proletarian workers and peasants and promises to represent their interests. But in practice, it was the working class that sustained the greatest abuses of the communist system.

I. Suppressing the Soviet Workers and Peasants

In 1918, after Lenin illegally disbanded the Constituent Assembly, it was the workers who were the first to resist the communist dictatorship. Protesting the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly, tens of thousands of workers from Petrograd and Moscow held parades and demonstrations. Bolshevik soldiers cracked down on the unrest with lethal force, gunning down demonstrators and filling the streets of Petrograd and Moscow with the workers’ blood.

The country’s largest labor union, the All-Russia Railways, announced a political strike to protest the Bolshevik coup, and gained the broad support of many other labor organizations. As with the workers of Petrograd and Moscow, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) put down the strikers with its armed forces, and the All-Russian Railways and other independent unions were banned.

Remaining labor organizations were gradually forced under the control of the CPSU. In the spring of 1919, starving workers in cities across Russia went on strike several times to demand the same rations as Red Army soldiers, the abolition of political privileges afforded to the communists, and basic freedoms of speech and democratic elections. All these movements were handled by the Cheka secret police, who jailed or shot the strikers.

In the summer of 1918, Russia faced a massive food shortage due to the ongoing civil war. In June, with the country on the verge of famine, Lenin dispatched Josef Stalin to Tsaritsyn to seize grain from the Volga basin, a traditional breadbasket of Russian agriculture.

The tyranny of the CPSU invited peasant resistance. In August 1918, peasants in the Penza region rose up in armed revolt, and the uprising quickly spread to the surrounding areas. The CPSU sent troops to suppress the uprisings, and Lenin sent a telegram to the Penza Bolsheviks. Here is Robert Service’s translation of the original Russian telegram:

  1.   “Hang (and make sure that the hanging takes place in full view of the people) no fewer than 100 known landlords, rich men, bloodsuckers.
  2.   “Publish their names.
  3.   “Seize all their grain from them.
  4.   “Designate hostages in accordance with yesterday’s telegram.

“Do it in such a fashion that for hundreds of kilometers around, the people might see, tremble, know, shout. …”

([7]  Translation of ‘hanging order’ by Robert Service, p. 365, Lenin a Biography (2000). London: Macmillan )

Before the October Revolution, Tambov was one of the richest provinces in Russia. In order to seize its grain, the Soviet Union government organized many “grain-requisitioning teams” and sent them to the region. Over 50,000 Tambov farmers formed local militias to fight the CPSU’s requisitioning teams, which were also armed.

In June 1921, faced with the task of suppressing the Tambov Rebellion, the Soviet regime suggested that military commander Mikhail Tukhachevsky fight the “hooligans” with poison gas. Tukhachevsky’s use of chemical weapons, combined with fires that burned across the region, rendered much of Tambov completely desolate. An estimated 100,000 Tambov peasants who took part in the resistance and their relatives were imprisoned or exiled. Around 15,000 people died in the insurgency.

The widespread slaughter in the Soviet Union served as a comprehensive model for the CCP’s coming persecution of the Chinese workers and peasants.

II. The CCP Follows the Soviet Model

China has a broad and profound culture with a history of 5,000 years. Its people are steeped in the tradition of worshipping gods and revering the divine. Incapable of conquering 5,000 years of tradition using conspiracy alone, the evil specter of communism dealt with traditional Chinese culture using systematic violence.

The CCP targeted the elites of society who served as the bearers of traditional culture, destroyed the physical artifacts of Chinese civilization, and severed the connections between the Chinese people and their gods. China’s traditional heritage was replaced with a “Party culture” to be spread among the survivors of the CCP’s mass killings, turning the young into treacherous “wolf cubs” who serve as the evil specter’s pawns in the continued destruction of humanity.

Immediately after taking power, the CCP began to invent enemies, beginning with the murder of elites. In the countryside, it slaughtered landlords and gentry. In the cities, it killed businessmen, creating an atmosphere of terror and looting the wealth of civil society.

To rouse the peasants to kill landlords and “rich farmers” and to support the new communist regime, the CCP implemented a so-called “land reform” that promised the peasantry their own land. But after murdering the landowners, the CCP claimed the land was to be turned over to the peasants in the form of “cooperatives.” In practice, this meant the land still did not belong to the peasants.

In March 1950, the CCP issued the “Directive on the Strict Suppression of Counter-Revolutionary Elements,” also known as the Campaign to Suppress Counterrevolutionaries, which focused on killing the landlords and rich peasants in the countryside. The CCP announced that by the end of 1952, more than 2.4 million “counterrevolutionaries” had been eliminated. In fact, over 5 million people, accounting for nearly 1 percent of the total Chinese population, had been murdered.

After killing the landlords and rich peasants in the countryside, the CCP launched the “Three- Anti” and “Five-Anti” campaigns to slaughter wealthy urbanites. In Shanghai alone, 876 people committed suicide during the movement from Jan. 25 to April of 1951, according to incomplete statistics. Among them, many capitalists committed suicide with all of their family members.

The CCP did not stop with the extermination of landlords and capitalists, but also robbed the wealth of peasants, small merchants, and craftsmen. After mass slaughter, the vast majority of the working class were still impoverished.

3. The Absolute Brutality of the Communist Party

I. Atrocities of Soviet Communism

i. The Gulag, Inspiration for Hitler’s Death Camps

On September 5, 1918, Lenin ordered the establishment of the first Soviet concentration camp on the Solovetsky Islands for the incarceration, torture, and slaughter of political prisoners and dissidents who opposed the October Revolution. The CPSU followed this up with a constellation of further concentration camps across the Soviet Union — the notorious gulags of the Stalinist era.

An abbreviation of the Russian words for “Main Administration of Corrective Labor Camps and Settlements” the gulag system grew to a monstrous scale under the leadership of Josef Stalin as the CPSU intensified its political terror and carried out ever greater purges. By the time of Stalin’s death in 1953, there were 170 gulag administrations containing over 30,000 individual camps scattered across the Soviet Union, in what Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn would famously describe as “the Gulag Archipelago” in his book by the same name.

In his documentary work, Solzhenitsyn listed 31 different methods that the Soviet secret police used to exhaust their prisoners’ strength and force them to confess to any crime. [4]

Those sent to the gulag suffered from a constant shortage of food and clothing as they were forced to perform heavy labor 12 to 16 hours a day in the freezing cold of the Russian winter. The death toll was enormous. Many people were imprisoned along with their entire families, with husbands incarcerated and wives exiled. Even the elderly, some already in their 80s, were not spared. The condemned ranged from high-ranking Party elites, state leaders, and military commanders, down to completely ordinary citizens from every walk of life, including religious believers, engineers, technicians, doctors, students, professors, factory workers, and peasants.

It is common for people to believe that concentration camps were a Nazi creation, but in reality, the Soviet gulag was the precursor to similar forms of repression around the world, in both communist and non-communist regimes. Before World War II, Hitler sent Gestapo officers to Russia to tour and study experiences accumulated by the Soviets in building the gulag.

According to conservative estimates, over 500,000 prisoners perished in the gulag system between 1930 and 1940, during the years of Stalin’s prewar terror. The gulag was disbanded in 1960. In 2013, a website of the Russian state media reported that more than 15 million people had been sentenced and imprisoned in the gulag labor camps, and more than 1.5 million died.

ii. Soviet Terror-Famine

Communist regimes often killed people through famine. Between 1932 and 1933, the Ukrainian region suffered from genocidal mass starvation, known as the Holodomor, caused by the Soviet regime.

After the civil war, the CPSU’s imposition of collective farming met with widespread resistance from the Ukrainian peasantry. To deal with this, the Soviet regime classified a majority of skilled farmers as “kulaks” and exiled them to western Siberia and the republics of Central Asia. The removal of the kulaks was a huge loss to Ukrainian agriculture, and in 1932, production plummeted.

In the winter of 1932–1933, the Soviet government cut off food supplies to Ukraine and set up security fences along the borders of the republic. At first, Ukrainians survived from the stored vegetables and potatoes in their homes, but these were soon requisitioned by Party authorities. A large number of farmers starved to death. In desperation, people turned to cannibalism and eating the dug-up carcasses of cats, dogs, and livestock.

The authorities prevented villagers from traveling to the cities in search of food. Many people starved to death as they walked along the railways.

The Holodomor famine turned more than 1 million Ukrainian children into orphans. Many of them became homeless and had no choice but to beg for food in the cities. To eliminate this embarrassment, Stalin signed orders authorizing police to shoot children as young as 12.

Estimates of the death toll during the Holodomor range from about 2.5 million to 4.8 million. During the famine, bodies of the victims could be seen all over the streets of Kharkov, the Ukrainian capital.

iii. The Great Terror Turns on the Soviet Elite

The purpose of the communist specter is to destroy all mankind, including eventually its own followers. This was played out during the Stalinist era, as the CPSU carried out bloody purges across its own ranks. The Great Terror, which Stalin began in 1938, targeted the upper echelons of the communist leadership.

Out of 1,966 delegates to the 17th Congress of the CPSU in 1934, 1,108 were arrested on charges of counter-revolutionary activity. Of 139 members of the Central Committee elected at the 17th Congress, four out of five were shot.

The Soviet Politburo had elected 31 members between 1919 and 1935, of whom 20 were killed in Stalin’s purges. Lavrentiy Beria, Stalin’s secret police chief, once said, “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.” Except Stalin, all six of the Politburo members at the time of Lenin’s death in 1924 — Lev Kamenev, Grigory Zinoviev, Alexei Rykov, Mikhail Tomsky, and Leon Trotsky — had been executed or assassinated by 1940.

No section of society was spared in the Great Terror — repression in the religious, scientific, educational, academic, and artistic fields far preceded the purges that gutted the military and political elite. The main victims of Stalin’s terror were ordinary Soviet citizens.

How many were arrested, killed, imprisoned, or exiled by Stalin in the Great Terror? Even today there are no complete records or answers. On the eve of the dissolution of the Soviet Union in June 1991, KGB chief Vladimir Kryuchkov said that between 1920 and 1953, about 4.2 million people were “suppressed” and among that figure, over 2 million during the Great Terror.

Alexander Yakovlev, a reformist politician in the Soviet and Yeltsin eras said in a 2000 interview that the victims of the Stalinist repression numbered at least 20 million. [5]

II. Atrocities of the CCP

From the establishment of the CCP regime in 1949 to 1966, tens of millions of Chinese lost their lives in the Campaign to Suppress Counterrevolutionaries, the Three-Anti and Five-Anti campaigns, the Anti-Rightist Campaign, and the great famine caused by the Great Leap Forward.

This was followed by bloody struggle within the CCP. As a new generation of Chinese, raised to be atheist “wolf cubs” indoctrinated in the education and party culture of communism, came of age, the communist evil specter launched a campaign of even more rampant killing and destruction to wipe out the 5,000 years of traditional Chinese culture.

i. The Great Chinese Famine

Between 1959 and 1962, China experienced the world’s deadliest famine. To deceive the world, the CCP claims it was “three years of natural disasters.” In fact, in 1958, the CCP rashly began the People’s Commune movement and the Great Leap Forward campaign.

These wild schemes not only depleted grain stocks and decimated Chinese agricultural production, but also created a deluge of false reports across all levels of leadership, from rural regions to the cities. The CCP used these reports as a basis for collecting grain from the peasants, who were forced to turn in their food, seed, and animal feed to the regime.

The CCP’s administrative organs at all levels sent teams to the countryside. They used torture and interrogations to squeeze the last morsels of food from the hapless peasants. Following the example set by the Soviet communists, the CCP prevented villagers from entering cities in search of food, causing the mass death of families and even whole villages. Cannibalism was widespread, and the corpses of famine victims littered the countryside. When peasants were caught stealing to survive, they were killed.

The grain seized by the government was traded for large amounts of Soviet weaponry or for gold that the CCP used to pay off debts as it turned a blind eye to Chinese lives. In just three years, the Great Chinese Famine had wiped out tens of millions of people.

ii. The Cultural Revolution’s Fanatical Slaughter and Cultural Genocide

On May 16, 1966, the CCP published “Notice of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party,” beginning the Cultural Revolution. That August, with the children of high-ranking CCP cadres at the fore, students from secondary schools in Beijing formed a band of Red Guards. The mob went on a rampage across Beijing in a frenzy of ransacking, assault, and killing. By the end of the month, known as “Red August,” thousands of people in Beijing had been murdered.

In the Beijing district of Daxing, 325 people were killed between August 27 and September 1 across 48 production brigades of 13 people’s communes. The dead varied in age from 80 years to just 38 days, and 22 families were wiped out completely. The Red Guards bludgeoned, stabbed, or strangled their victims. They killed infants and toddlers by stepping on one leg and tearing the child in two.

As the evil specter of communism directed people to beat and kill, it erased their human compassion, brainwashing them with the slogan of “treating the enemy with the numb cruelty of the harsh winter.” With every crime against humanity, the CCP displaced the traditional culture and moral virtue of the Chinese. Envenomed by Party culture, many people became tools of murder.

When most people see the bloodthirsty deeds of the communist totalitarian state, they are at a complete loss as to how people could descend to such inhuman barbarism. The truth behind this is that they were possessed by rotten demons and degenerate spirits controlled by the communist specter.

Estimating the ravages of the Cultural Revolution is a daunting task. Most studies suggest a minimum death toll of 2 million. R. J. Rummel, an American professor who has researched mass killing, wrote in China’s Bloody Centurythat the Cultural Revolution claimed the lives of 7.73 million people.

Dong Baoxun, an associate professor of China’s Shandong University, and Ding Longjia, deputy director of the Shandong Party History Research Office, co-authored a 1997 book titled Exonerate the Innocent – Rehabilitate the Wrongly Accused and Sentenced. It quoted Ye Jianying, then vice chairman of the CCP Central Committee, as making the following statements during the closing ceremony of the Central Working Conference on December 13, 1978:

“Two years and seven months of comprehensive investigation by the Central Committee have determined that 20 million people died in the Cultural Revolution, over 100 million suffered political persecution, … and 800 billion yuan were wasted.”

According to the Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping, from August 21 to 23, 1980, CCP leader Deng Xiaoping gave two interviews with Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci in the Great Hall of the People.

Fallaci asked, “How many people died in the Cultural Revolution?” Deng replied: “How many people really died in the Cultural Revolution? The figure is astronomical and can never be estimated.”

Deng Xiaoping described a typical case: Kang Sheng, the Communist Party’s secret police head, accused Yunnan provincial Party Secretary Zhao Jianmin of treason and of being an agent of the Kuomintang. Not only was Zhao imprisoned, but his downfall also impacted 1.38 million people throughout the province, of which 17,000 were persecuted to death, and 60,000 were beaten to the point of disability.

iii. Unprecedented Evil: The Persecution of Falun Gong

Decades of murderous violence and atheist indoctrination by the Chinese Communist Party have taken a massive toll on the moral fabric of society, bringing it far below the standards gods require of humanity. Even many of those who still believe in gods are ignorant of genuine faith, since they are trapped in the sham religious organizations controlled by the CCP. Should the situation continue to degenerate, humanity will face certain extinction as prophesied in the holy texts of every ancient civilization.

In China, during the spring of 1992, to restore human morality and save the people of the world, Mr. Li Hongzhi taught Falun Gong, also called Falun Dafa, a spiritual practice based on belief in the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance.

Uncomplicated to learn, Falun Gong spread across China in a few short years. As practitioners, along with their relatives and peers, experienced miracles of health and character improvement, tens of millions of people took up the practice in China and around the world. With so many people practicing cultivation in Falun Gong and holding themselves to higher standards, society began to rediscover its moral bearings.

But the evil specter of communism is bent on preventing man from being saved by the Creator. For this reason it destroyed traditional cultures and corrupted human moral values. Naturally, it sees Falun Gong as its greatest adversary.

In July 1999, then-CCP leader Jiang Zemin unilaterally ordered a systematic persecution against Falun Gong and its practitioners. In a brutal campaign that covered every corner of China, the CCP applied every method imaginable in its efforts to fulfill Jiang’s directive: “Kill them physically, bankrupt them financially, and ruin their reputations.”

Party mouthpieces subjected the Chinese people to constant propaganda filled with hatred and slander of Falun Gong, rejecting its principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance in favor of falsehood, wickedness, and struggle.

The evil specter brought society to new lows in moral degeneration. In an atmosphere of hatred and repression reactivated from dormancy, Chinese people turned blind to the persecution happening around them, betraying Buddhas and gods. Some sacrificed their conscience and participated in the campaign against Falun Gong, ignorant of the fact that they had damned themselves to the fate of destruction.

The communist specter did not limit the persecution to China. It silenced the nations of the free world as the Chinese regime engaged in the frenzied jailing, murder, and torture of Falun Gong practitioners. Sated with economic incentives, the free world took in the Party’s lies, giving the persecutors free rein to perpetrate the worst crimes.

In the persecution of Falun Gong, the CCP introduced an evil never before seen: live organ harvesting. As the largest group of people imprisoned for their faith in China, Falun Gong practitioners are killed on demand, vivisected on the operating tables of state and military hospitals, their organs sold for tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars.

On July 7, 2006, Canadians David Matas and former Parliament member David Kilgour published a report titled Bloody Harvest: The Killing of Falun Gong for Their Organs. Examining 18 points of evidence, they shed light on the CCP’s monstrosity, calling it “a disgusting form of evil … new to this planet.”

Working with international investigators, an Update to “The Slaughter” and “Bloody Harvest,” was published in June 2016. Running over 680 pages and containing more than 2, 400 references, it proved beyond all doubt the reality and scale of live organ harvesting being carried out by the Chinese communist regime.

On June 13, 2016, the U.S. House of Representatives unanimously passed Resolution 343 via voice vote, demanding the CCP bring an immediate end to the forced organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners and other prisoners of conscience.

The lucrative organ transplant business sustained support for the persecution of Falun Gong and attracted clients from China and around the world, making them complicit in the CCP’s mass murder.

Ever since seizing power, the CCP has never relaxed its persecution of religious beliefs. We will return to this topic in Chapter 6.
iv. Red Terror in Export

The introduction to The Black Book of Communism provides a rough estimate of the death tolls of communist regimes around the world. It verified a figure of 94 million, including the following:

20 million in the Soviet Union

65 million in China

1 million in Vietnam

2 million in North Korea

2 million in Cambodia

1 million in Eastern Europe

0.15 million in Latin America (mainly Cuba)

1.7 million in Ethiopia

1.5 million in Afghanistan

10,000 due to “the international communist movement and communist parties not in power.”[6]

Apart from Russia and China, lesser communist regimes have shown themselves no less willing to engage in absolute evil. The Cambodian genocide is the most extreme mass murder carried out by a communist government. According to various estimates, the number of Cambodians killed by Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge regime ranges from 1.4 to 2.2 million, up to one-third of Cambodia’s population at the time.

Between 1948 and 1987, the North Korean communists killed over 1 million of their own people in forced labor, executions, and concentration camps. In the 1990s, famine killed between  240,000 and 420,000 people. In total, 600,000 to 800,000 North Koreans are thought to have died unnatural deaths between 1993 to 2008. After Kim Jong Un came to power, he committed more flagrant murders, with victims including high-ranking officials and his own relatives. Kim has also threatened the world with nuclear war.

In merely one century since the rise of the first communist regime in Russia, the evil specter of communism murdered more people in the nations under its rule than the combined death toll of both world wars. The history of communism is a history of murder, and every page is written in the blood of its victims.



[1] “Remembering the Victims of Communism,”

[2] Stéphane Courtois, ed., The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression,trans. Jonathan Murphy (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1999), 4.

[3] Robert Service, Lenin: A Biography (London: Macmillan, 2000), 365.

[4] Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago: 1918-1956.

[5] 中國社科院譯《雅科夫列夫訪談錄(1992—2005)》。

[6] Stéphane Courtois, ed., The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression,trans. Jonathan Murphy (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1999), 4.


Twelve Apostles 「十二門徒」

Twelve Apostles 「十二門徒」

Chapter 2: Communism’s European Beginnings

Chapter 2: Communism’s European Beginnings