In Photos: Jennifer Invited to Philadelphia for Book Reading 圖片報導:曾錚應邀到費城演講
On July 2, 2012, Jennifer was invited by Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia to the "Free First Sundays" event at Barnes Foundation Museum to introduce her memoir "Witnessing History: one woman's fight for freedom and Falun Gong" to the public, and to speak about the persecution of Falun Gong in China.
2012年7月2日,曾錚應美國費城Barnes基金會邀請,參加在Barnes博物館中舉行的「Free First Sundays」活動,向民眾介紹《靜水流深》及法輪功學員在中國受迫害經歷。
Award-winning documentary Free China: the Courage to Believe screening at the event. 放映新唐人電視台參與製作的獲獎紀錄片《自由中國》。
Jennifer reading paragraphs from her memoir Witnessing History. 曾錚朗讀《靜水流深》英文版Witnessing History片段。
After the Free China screening. 曾錚攝於放映會結束後。
After the Free China screening.曾錚攝於放映會結束後。
Program of Barnes Foundation Museum博物館節目單。
An Epoch Times report in Chinese about this event. 《大紀元時報》報導活動。
The Barnes Foundation Museum 博物館外觀。
Inside the Barnes Foundation Museum. 博物館內景。