Vice President Mike Pence Meets with the International Religious Freedom Roundtable 美國副總統彭斯會見促進中國宗教自由相關人士
Vice President Pence met on August 5, 2019 with several champions of religious freedom. Joined by Ambassador for International Religious Freedom Sam Brownback, the Vice President reaffirmed the administration’s commitment to stand with people of every faith in every country around the world, including in the People’s Republic of China where the administration will continue to call upon Beijing to respect the rights enshrined in China’s constitution to allow Muslim, Buddhist, and Christian believers throughout the country the freedom to practice their faiths.
Present in the meeting are Omer Kanat, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the World Uyghur Congress, Jeff Chen, vice president of Falun Dafa Association in Washington DC, Dr. Yang Jianli, president of Citizen Power's Initiative for China, Bob Fu, founder and president of China Aid, Greg Mitchell, chair of the International Religious Freedom Roundtable , and Sam Brownback, U.S. Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom.
出席會見的有基督徒維權組織對華援助協會的創始人傅希秋牧師、美國人權組織公民力量的創始人楊建利博士,世界維吾爾大會副主席烏麥爾•卡納特(Omer Kanat)和華盛頓法輪功協會副主席Jeff Chen。美國國際宗教自由大使薩姆·布朗貝克。及國際宗教自由圓桌會議主席米切爾(Greg Mitchell)也出席了會見。
Photo credit: Yang Jianli.圖片來源:楊建利