Walking to Beijing 【那些年 他們走過的路】
(Clearwisdom.net) During the month of May 2002, a female farmer from a rural area in northern China walked to Beijing to validate Falun Dafa. Her family was very poor and she could not afford to take a train or bus. She started her journey with only 5 Yuan (less than a dollar). In her mind, she had only one thought--she was walking to Beijing to speak out a few words from the bottom of her heart: "Falun Dafa is good. Falun Dafa is the righteous Fa. Restore the reputation of Falun Dafa. Restore the reputation of my Master!"
On her journey to Beijing, she ate and slept outside, suffering many hardships. During the day, she walked as fast as she could, and when she was hungry or thirsty, she would ask for food and water from villagers. She bought some cucumbers and tomatoes to eat when there were not any villages along the way. At night, she would do the sitting meditation in the woods beside a village. She took a nap when she was sleepy. She did not ask for lodging at night. When her shoes wore out, she put on another pair that she found discarded in a trash pile and then continued her walking. When her feet became blistered from walking, she pierced open the blisters to release the blood and water, and then continued walking. In the last few days before arriving in Beijing her feet festered with pus and blood, sticking to her shoes. The pain caused by each step felt like a knife stabbing into her heart.
她一路上風餐露宿,吃盡了苦頭。白天趕路,餓了就向村里人要口飯吃;渴了,討口水喝。遇不到村莊時,就預先買點黃瓜、柿子拎著,用來充飢。晚上,就在村邊樹林裡打坐煉功,困了就靠在樹下打個盹兒,夜夜如此,沒有借住過一宿。鞋磨破了,遇著垃圾堆又翻又找,找著能穿的換上接著走。腳磨出了一個個血泡,挑開放出血水接著走;最後幾天,腳已潰爛,膿血和鞋粘在一起,每走一步都疼得鑽心。 ……咬咬牙接著走。就這樣,隻身一人歷時15天,徒步走到北京,走到天安門,並在金水橋邊證實了大法,實現了自己的誓言。
Clenching her teeth, she kept on walking. In this way, she finally arrived in Beijing after 15 days of walking alone. She went to Tiananmen Square and realized her oath by validating Dafa beside the Golden Bridge in front of Tiananmen.
She was arrested and sent to Miyun Detention Center, where she was brutally tortured with different methods until her entire body was covered in wounds. A Dafa practitioner she met on the way had given her 160 Yuan, and she had not spent a penny, but a greedy policeman stole the money from an inside pocket of her underclothes and put it right into his own wallet.
Later, she was picked up by her local police station. Her current situation is unknown.
Excerpt from: http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2002/8/14/25213.html