Tianguo Marching Band 天國樂團

Tianguo Marching Band 天國樂團

Jennifer holding the banner of Celestial Band(also Tianguo Marching Band),on May 13, 2006, in the parade of the World's Falun Dafa(falundafa.org) Day, in Sydney.2006年5月13日,悉尼,世界法輪大法日遊行。我是天國樂團三個行進指揮之一。

Jennifer holding the banner of Celestial Band(also Tianguo Marching Band),on May 13, 2006, in the parade of the World's Falun Dafa(falundafa.org) Day, in Sydney.


Jennifer acting as one of the conductors of Celestial Band(also Tianguo Marching Band),on May 13, 2006, in the parade of the World's Falun Dafa(falundafa.org) Day, in Sydney.2006年5月13日,悉尼,世界法輪大法日遊行。我是天國樂團三個行進指揮之一。

Jennifer acting as one of the conductors of Celestial Band(also Tianguo Marching Band),on May 13, 2006, in the parade of the World's Falun Dafa(falundafa.org) Day, in Sydney.


Jennifer at Xi'an 笑靨如花

Jennifer at Xi'an 笑靨如花

"Propaganda Team" 「宣傳隊」

"Propaganda Team" 「宣傳隊」