Over 11% of Central Committee Members and 900K Ordinary Members of CCP Purged by Xi Jinping — Jennifer's World
Over 11% of Central Committee Members and 900K Ordinary Members of CCP Purged by Xi Jinping

Over 11% of Central Committee Members and 900K Ordinary Members of CCP Purged by Xi Jinping

Over 11% of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s Central Committee members were purged in the first 5 years after Xi Jinping came to power, according to the CCP's mouthpiece Xinhua.

In a feature article about Xi Jinping's achievement, Xinhua reveals that the CCP has punished 440 CCP civil and military cadres above the provincial level, among them 43 were members of the CCP’s Central Committee and alternate Central Committee, accounting for more than 11% of the total number of Central Committee members and alternate Central Committee members. 

Also, more than 900K party members have been removed from the party since Xi came to power in 2012. 

According to CCP’s own figure, it has about 95 million members this year. 900K accounts for 0.95%.

In Jiang Zemin’s time, “making money quietly” was the motto, and corruption was used as an incentive to hold the party officials together.

After Xi Jinping came to power, a large-scale anti-corruption campaign was launched, but this campaign stopped short before it reached national level CCP leaders, such as former vice chairman Zeng Qinghong and CCP leader Jiang Zemin. It is said that Xi Jinping had reached some compromise with Zeng and Jiang.


For my comment and analysis of this news, go to https://www.jenniferzengblog.com/scripts-audios/2021/11/10/chinas-reform-and-opening-up-is-officially-over-xi-is-the-new-god

or watch

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Purged CCP cadres in recent years. (Graphic by the Epoch Times.)

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