Looking Beyond CCP’s Little Pinks’ Celebration of Abe’s Assassination: What Has the CCP Gained and Lost?

Looking Beyond CCP’s Little Pinks’ Celebration of Abe’s Assassination: What Has the CCP Gained and Lost?

Hello, everyone! Welcome to “Inconvenient Truths”. I am your host Jennifer Zeng. 

Again, long time no see. Since former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s assassination last Friday, I have been busy translating videos and photos from China showing the CCP’s brainwashed “little pinks” celebration of Abe’s death. Those videos and photos have greatly shocked the world. As a result, I have received quite a few interview requests. And two media outlets also asked me to write articles for them. So I have been busy dealing with these. 

So today I will talk about how we should look beyond the little pinks’ celebrations, and what the CCP has gained and lost from this. 

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POLITICS & SECURITYIn China, Celebration Over Shinzo Abe’s Death Unmasks the Communist Party

Exclusive interview with Jennifer Zeng: Why CCP might have killed Abe and war plans of China

Exclusive interview with Jennifer Zeng: Why CCP might have killed Abe and war plans of China