POLITICS & SECURITYIn China, Celebration Over Shinzo Abe’s Death Unmasks the Communist Party

POLITICS & SECURITYIn China, Celebration Over Shinzo Abe’s Death Unmasks the Communist Party

Brainwashed by the CCP, they hate the former Japanese prime minister for supporting Taiwan. Posts sympathetic to the assassinated leader are deleted.

By Jennifer Zeng

I don’t remember when I first read the news about former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s assassination. It was probably before I went to bed at midnight on July 7, Eastern Daylight Time in the United States, just minutes after Abe had been shot. Three hours later, at about 3:00 AM, I woke up without any reason, three hours earlier than usual.

As I couldn’t go back to sleep, I picked up my phone, and with half-opened and half-closed eyes, I saw a video sent to me via private message on Twitter. In this video, Wang Wenbin, the spokesperson for the Chinese Communist Party’s foreign ministry, threatened that Abe would meet a dead end and run into a bloodbath with a broken head (頭破血流) because he dared to “talk nonsense” on the Taiwan issue and “challenge the bottom line of Chinese people.”

This stern threat immediately woke me up completely. With wide open eyes, I got up and translated the video into English and posted it about one hour later.

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Abe Assassinated by CCP’s Secret Member in Japan. 52 People in Taiwan Are on CCP’s Assassination List

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